​【EducationUSA活动】9月21日(星期四),下午18:30, 手把手教你填写大学通用申请表

2017年09月18日 美国驻华大使馆



申请美国大学,填写各种申请表是必不可少的一部分。担心小小错误造成大大麻烦?不用怕,EducationUSA的老师,将手把手教你一步步填写Common Application的通用申请表格。同时还有来自Norwich University的老师加入,给大家分享美国大学从这些申请表中,会重点关注哪些信息,如何填写更有效。此活动只对学生开放。具体报名信息可扫码:



Sep.21,2017, Thursday,1830--2030 EducationUSAWorkshop:  Practical Guide to theCommon Application

Filling out application forms isan essential part of applying to U.S. universities.  Are you concernedthat even small errors in the application form may cause big problems for yourapplication? Don’t worry and come to join our workshop. EducationUSA adviserswill guide you through the common application step by step. A representativefrom Norwich University will also be here to share what they look for from theapplication forms, and share his experience completing the common application.The event is only open to the students.

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