【8分范文 IELTS Task2】: Rote Learning vs Other methods of learning

2014年05月04日 澳洲新梦想雅思


蓝色标注了Genetic structures

红色标注了Topic specific words

Some people believe students learn most efficiently when asked to simply memory whatis taught in class. Others believe other methods of learning are equally effective. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

How to learn effectively has been a subject of controversy, especially in the education sector. Some posit that mere rote memorization can achieve desirable learning outcomes, while others dismiss this, claiming that alternatives, such as interactive and kinetic learning, cannot be overlooked.

Some students perform well in exams by means of rote learning. This is especially noticeable among Asian students who are more likely toexcel in Maths and other science subjects than their Western counterparts. Their learning approach involves memorizing formulas and drilling content covered in class. It is thus argued that being passive recipients of knowledge may be a way to achieve higher marks in exams and in turn go to better universities.

Be that as it may, educators argue that students should adopt alternatives,such as interactive and student-centered approach, to the betterment of their learning. They assert that good learning takes place when the learning is directly associated with emotions. This can only be achieved by a teacher who is able to inspire students and foster their creative thinking rather than force-feed them as discussed above.

Personally, I am of the belief that the effectiveness of a learning method largelydepends on the subject in question. Generally, rote learning is inevitable for studying the subjects associated with historical facts,mathematical formulas, chemical symbols or legislation. Yet as for cognitive subjects such as arts, students are expected to adopt interactive learning. In doing this, they are encouraged to be active participants in the learning process and to have an inquisitive mind to question pre-established notions. This approach may not only help them gain deep insight into class content, but also ensures their retention of it.

一篇好的文章一定是如此Genetic stuctures + Topic specific vocabularie. 更多精彩内容就在新梦想雅思培训课程。


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