美商会下午茶派对暨独立日答谢酒会 I AmCham Independence Appreciation Party

2017年09月24日 西南美国商会



AmCham would like to invite you to attend the AmCham Afternoon Tea  Party on September 27th (Wednesday). This mixer has two themes: Afternoon Tea  Party and Appreciate our 2017 Independence Day Sponsors. At this event, attendees will be able to chat and mingle over  exquisite dessert and help us acknowledge the sponsors of  2017 Independence Day Charity Celebration. We hope to see you there!


 General Information

日期: 2017年9月27日,星期三,14:30 - 17:00





Time: 2:30pm–5:00pm, Wednesday, September 27th, 2017

Price: Each sponsor will have one free ticket (Extra guest will only need to pay RMB80 each.)

Venue: Pool Bar, 6F, Wanda Reign Chengdu, No. 9 Binjiang Middle Road, Jinjiang District, Chengdu(Near Jinjiang Hotel Metro Station, Line 1)

Participants: AmCham Independence Sponsors & Members

Dress code: Casual business



电话/Tel:28. 8526. 8761

邮件/E-mail:[email protected]

报名方式 How to Register

1. 请长按并识别左方二维码填写报名表报名

Please long press and extract the QR code beside to register for this event 

2. 或请点击本文末左下方“阅读原文”填写报名表报名

Or press the “Read More” button at the bottom of this page to register

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