【写作范文】: 8 分写作范文

2014年01月30日 澳洲新梦想雅思


We can get important knowledge from the news, but somepeople think we should not trust journalists. What is your opinion on this? What qualities do you think a journalist should have?

蓝色标记了 Genetic structure

红色标记了 Topic specific words


Journalists have long played a role as watchdogs in society. The public consumes news everyday to gain knowledge or entertain themselves. Some argue that people should not reply on journalists while others posit that they play such an important role in informing the public and scrutinizing the government.And so we have to place our faith in them. Personally, I am of the belief that whether journalists are trustworthy depends on the type of journalist in question.

Body 1:

Naturally, it is important to point out that there are some journalists who may not be trustworthy. Reporters working gossip magazines and tabloids for example, often sensationalise their coverage in order to boost circulation and attractmore readerships. It is arguable that this kind of news serves no practical use but to entertain the public. Thus, presumably, people should not trust this type of journalist. Bethat as it may, journalists who work for broadsheets and large news corporations may be more reliable because large media companies often have strict corporate governance to ensure their employees behave ethically.

Body 2:

In terms of what qualities a journalist should have, I believe that honesty and integrity are the two most essential qualities. Journalists need to be aware that the public relies on the information provided by them and would be easily influenced by misleading information. In other words, they owe a duty ofcare to readers as professionals.


In conclusion, a case can be made thatwhether we should trust journalists depends on who they work for. It is tentatively suggested that all journalists maintain their high level of professionalism, honesty and reliability for their whole career.

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