这次为大家带来的范文的Topic是Arts Funding。是卡尔老师所选的三大最难雅思A类写作之一。
这位同学的习作从支持Arts Funding的观点出发,旁征博引了大量事实例证。再用Topic Specific Vocabularies + Generic Structure将它们缝合。
Some people think art such as painting and music cannot improve the quality of people’s lives so the government should not spend on them but the other fields. Do you agree or disagree?
Whether the government should allocate funding for the arts has sparked heated debate in modern-day society. Opponents of arts funding argue that art is not beneficial to the community; therefore, policymakers should not provide grants to the arts sector (sector是industry很好的替换词), but to other sectors instead. I am of the belief that the arts sector should be supported, at least partially by the government.(将同意的程度缩小为at least更准确)
It is important to note that art can benefits individuals from a wide range of aspects. The first noteworthy point is the healing function of art. Consider, art therapy, for example. Therapists utilize art as a necessary element in the treatment proves to reduce the patients' pain, anxiety and tension, and even to treat some serious disorders and diseases.(Arts Therapy,直接against题中观点:不能改善人们生活质量 ) Post traumatic stress disorder and attention deficit disorder (高大上的医学词汇) are good cases in point. Furthermore, creating a work of art also can develop creators' sense of achievement, which may lead to them becoming more confident in front of superiors. Another benefit worth of note is that art may be a communication medium between those who are less capable and less comfortable to express themselves via spoken and written language.(很专业的对arts的功能介绍,bonus points!)
However, although, art has its place in society, it is not arguable the most important and urgent sector which requires funds. Artists will create art regardless of whetherthey receive funds or not,(regardless of + whether or not很好用的表达) and they may find alternatives to support themselves financially, such as by seeking private donations, for example. Yet, there are other reasons why public funding for the arts should be advocated. One of the significant reasons is the protection of traditional arts. There are considerable amounts of art works that are deemed as embodiments (embodiment,出现了, 麦卡经典写作词汇)of cultural heritage,(延伸至文化遗产的保护,深化文章同时是argument更加solid) such as cave paintings, coupled with other indigenous arts. The onus is therefore on local governments to (Again! The onus is on the government! PERFECT!) preserve heritages sites and cultural diversity. Additionally,investing in the art industry may also generate the secondary benefits. In most cases, the establishment of art galleries, art museums and concert halls will also boost local economy,(推动地区经济的正确表达!) specifically the hospitality and tourism industries.(由文化遗产保护联系到酒店餐饮业和旅游业,漂亮的CC) The Sydney Opera House is a good point in case. This may, in turn, (自然的用出麦卡Cohesive Device!) make positive contributions to the overall economy of the community.
Based on the arguments presented above, it is evident that in terms of the positive impact it has on quality of individual's lives, the benefits of art do exist, and there are a myriad of (高大上形容很多的量词)reasons why art should be supported by government funding. It is also tentatively suggested that policymakers (policymakers替换the government)can limit the funds to the areas which need funds the most, such as classical music which is losing its popularity (也可以用在TASK 1图表中哦,...lose/gain its/their popularity in the year of ... )or for creative artists with disabilities or throes from lowsocio-economic backgrounds. (麦卡写作20大7+词汇作为结尾,画龙点睛!)
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