“at risk”要求的反面案例分享|AAO判例分享

2018年04月14日 美国EB5一点通


众所周知,按照移民法规的要求,EB-5投资必须“at risk”(置于风险之中),才能满足要求,获批I-526申请,进而拿到绿卡。

移民法提出如下at risk的要求:

To show that the petitioner has invested or is actively in the process of investing the required amount of capital, the petition must be accompanied by evidence that the petitioner has placed the required amount of capital at risk for the purpose of generating a return on the capital placed at risk. 

需要证明,申请人已经投资了或者正在积极投资,所需数额的资本,并且必须证明申请人已经将该投资置于,以谋取投资回报为目的,的风险之中(at risk)。


• The immigrant investor must have placed the required amount of capital at risk for the purpose of generating a return on the capital placed at risk;

• There must be a risk of loss and a chance for gain;

• Business activity must actually be undertaken; and 

• The full amount of the investment must be made available to the business(es) most closely responsible for creating the employment upon which the petition is based. 

• 移民投资者必须将所需数额的资本置于风险之中,以谋取投资回报为目的;


• 商业活动必须实际上在进行;

• 投资的全部金额,必须提供给那个负责创建申请所依赖的就业最为紧密的企业。

在过去的经历中,见过不少案例,都是因为移民局认为项目不符合“at risk”的要求,而拒绝了投资者的I-526申请。究其原因,都是因为项目方提供了抵押或赎回等条款,使得EB-5资金被认为没有“a risk of loss”。

今天,来看一个反例,移民局认为EB-5资金,没有“a chance for gain-获得收益的机会”。



LP agreement and loan agreement “do not provide the Petitioner with any rights to the NCE’s profits, whether derived from the loan interest or otherwise, and the sole opportunity for the Petitioner to generate a return on the investment is if the general partner elects to pay a 0.05% interest payment upon the NCE’s loan repayment.” 


The partnership agreement creates a structure in which, after the NCE receives its annual interest and pays expenses, the general partner is entitled to all residual funds. Because the NCE's intended return on the investment derives exclusively from the 1.5% interest charged on its loan to the JCE, the NCE's obligation to pay 1.5% of the loan amount in expenses and general partner management fees does not allow for any proceeds to be allocated to the limited partners. Therefore, any return payable to the Petitioner is unrelated to the purpose of the underlying investment and is wholly discretionary for the general partner to pay from other unspecified sources. 

有限合伙协议创建了一种结构,在NCE收到其年度利息并支付费用后,GP(普通合伙人)有权获得所有剩余资金。 由于NCE的投资回报完全来自于其向JCE贷款收取的1.5%利息,因此NCE有义务用该1.5%的贷款利息来支出费用以及GP的管理费用,也就不可能有任何收益分配给LP。 所以,支付给移民申请人(LP)的任何回报与相关的EB-5投资无关,这只是GP从其他来源支付投资者回报的。


EB-5申请人,“discretionary chance for return which is unrelated to the investment does not satisfy the regulatory requirement for capital at risk under 8 C.F.R. § 204.60)(2).” 



由于根据项目文件,GP大权独揽,在NCE收取JCE的利息并刨除费用之后,LP并没有权利获得EB-5投资收益,因此,就算其小小的0.05%收益被认为是只能来自于其他(非EB5投资)来源,因此EB-5申请人的投资没有“a chance for gain-获得收益的机会”,也就是不满足“at risk”的要求,因而I-526申请被拒。



1. https://blog.lucidtext.com/2018/04/10/new-litigation-and-aao-decisions-invest-requirements/(Suzanne博客)

2. https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/err/B7%20-%20Immigrant%20Petition%20by%20Alien%20Entrepreneur,%20Sec.%20203(b)(5)%20of%20the%20INA/Decisions_Issued_in_2018/FEB282018_02B7203.pdf (AAO判例)

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