(干货)TEXTILES专业择校参考 ( 2 ) —— 切尔西艺术学院

2018年04月07日 FOX国际艺术



Jing Tan

Pardis Ghadimi

Yee Man Fung

BA Textile Design at Chelsea College of Arts allows students to take an experimental and creative approach to textile design. Ideas and conceptual thinking are developed through fashion, sustainability, interior and exterior design projects. Students will gain colour, design and materials knowledge within textile print, knit, stitch or weave. The course actively encourages a studio culture to develop alongside specialist textile workshops.


Yee Man Fung

The opportunity to explore a variety of textile areas including design for digital print, dyeing, knit, screen print, stitch and mixed media textiles including digital embroidery and weave including digital Jacquard


To develop your visual research skills and idea generation for design and technical skills, supported by leading practitioners in textile design


Zeyi Luo

To gain vital commercial experience through live projects. These vary each year, but in the past students have worked with Burberry, Chinese Design Centre, Gainsborough Silks, H&M, Indesign, Iberoamericano University (Mexico), Latitude Festival, Made.com, Marks & Spencer, Wallace Collection and trend forecasting company WGSN

通过日常与市场的合作项目获得重要的商业经验。这些合作项目每年都在变化,但过去的学生都与BurberryChinese Design Centre中国设计中心、Gainsborough Silks、H&M、Indesign、Iberoamericano大学(墨西哥)、Latitude Festival、Made.com、Marks & Spencer、Wallace Collection and trend forecasting company WGSN合作。

Yee Man Fung

To have access to course specific specialist facilities including a print and dye lab, digital print computer suite and workshops for stitch, digital embroidery, knit and weave.


Rebecca Wiltshire

Amy Yeh

To have access to Chelsea's shared workshops including ceramics, casting, laser cutting, photography, metalwork and woodwork.


Zeyi Luo

Jee Yeon Yang

To be able to take part in an exchange to another institution. The course enjoys positive relationships with institutions in Berlin, Borås, Kyoto, Paris, Stockholm and Tokyo, as well as American colleges including the Fashion Institute of Technology, Parsons the New School for Design and Rhode Island School of Design



Jee Yeon Yang

“This project will show you my journeys through different emotional phases. Innumerable colors and complex tangled lines in my work portray my feelings, sentiments and complications from those changes.” 

Mengfan Zhou

Tracy Chu

“My work is inspired by bioluminescence, the phenomena where organisms are able to produce their own light. For example; fireflies, coral and fungi. I was interested in creating a more sustainable light, which is not powered by electricity, so I have used glow-in-the-dark threads as an alternative.”

Jessica Grace Adam

"On my most recent diving trip I was inspired to create a collection of samples that draw attention to the exquisite natural beauty of corals and sea urchins through the use of manipulated luxurious fabrics."

Honey Kurata

"The aim for this project is to create children's clothes which can be resized and be worn for longer life span. Children grow up very fast and their clothes only last for few months. My idea is to allow the fabric to stretch and be more flexible to fit any aged children and be used preciously."



Dress Detail 1

Dress Detail 2




在切尔西学院你将尝试不同于常规面料的各种材料,该课程也并不仅仅针对于服装面料,更加偏向于Fine Art。在Chelsea你的Textiles可以作为一个装置,也可以是一件配饰,你将会尝试各种材料去进行自己的实验与创作。同时切尔西也与商业公司合作密切,可以给学生提供很好的实习机会,并且还可以作为交换生去美国,日本,德国,法国等国家学习深造,有机会体验不同国家与学校的氛围文化。切尔西学院的Textiles专业有自己的特色,与伦敦艺术大学的其他学院相比,也极有竞争力。希望想要申请Textiles专业的同学们能够通过我们的公众号对不同学院的Textiles专业有所了解,选择最适合自己的学院。






Fox International Art


Fox International Art(狐狸国际艺术)是中国唯一一家把海外艺术教育与产品设计开发结合为一体的创作空间。旗下设有: Fox International Art College (狐狸国际艺术学院-作品集创作)、 Fox产品开发基地、Fox设计师经纪公司、Fox展览馆、Fox综合材料商店和Fox图书馆等多个部门。核心团队由英国伦敦中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院、美国帕森斯设计学院、英国皇家艺术学院等海归设计师、艺术家以及海内外的专家教授在2010年于伦敦和北京共同创立。



Fox各个部门的设计师团队与优秀学员,无论是背景还是专业能力都是业界首屈一指,与众多知名一线品牌、著名博物馆合作过,大英博物馆、V&A博物馆、德国国立宝石博物馆、Guicci、Cartier、Alexander McQueen、 施华洛世奇、Gareth Pugh、 John Galliano、Dior、Alexander Wang、Giles Deacon、陈奕迅、余文乐等。


Fox International Art



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