关于Granny Flat

2014年09月02日 悉尼建房顾问

关于Granny Flat

貌似来找我做推倒重建的客人们有一大半是有这个起Granny Flat的念头的。


那么,什么是传说中的Granny Flat呢?



Supporting Affordable Rental Housing

– Granny Flats ( Secondary Dwellings )

根据上面说的,什么是Granny Flat呢?它的原文是:

What is A ‘Granny flat’?

A Granny flat is aself-contained extension of the family home that:

(a) is established inconjunction with a house and is either within the house, or attached to the house, or separate from the house; and

(b) is on the same lot of land as the principal house and is not on a separate lot, in a strata plan or in acommunity title scheme.


Resale Value 的角度考虑,几乎没有人是愿意连建,加建的。绝大多数的人是选择建在后院。

Granny Flat有哪些要求?

Granny flats are now permitted in all residential zones across the State, subject to meeting the following requirements:


• There is only one house and one granny flat on the lot

至多一个House,一个Granny Flat在同一块地上

• The combined total floor area of the house and the granny flat complies with the floor space area controls in the local environment plan

总面积含Granny flat,必须满足LEP的要求。

• The maximum floor area of the granny flat is no greater than:

– 60 square metres; OR

– The maximum floor area prescribed by the council in the local environmental plan

Granny flat 总面积不能超过60平米或者Council LEP的要求。(基本就是最大60了,也没别的更大的可能了吧。)

• The lot is not subdivided

地没有被分割。(如果地都能被分割了,谁还造小Granny Flat啊。呵呵!)

• The granny flat meets planning controls

such as building height and setbacks, floor space ratios,and open space in the local environmental plan and/or the complying development provisions in the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP.


• The granny flat meets the requirements of the Building Code of Australia.


There are no requirements under the policy to provide any additional parking for the granny flat. 没有额外停车的要求。

A granny flat may occur either with DA consent, or as complying development

Granny flat,既可以走DA,也可以做CDC


  1. 450平米以内的房子严格的操作是不允许做真正意义上的Granny Flat的。具体看Council的,但机会很小的。

  2. 往往建在后院,建筑距离后院的地界至少3米。

  3. 至于和House之间的距离,到是貌似没有明确的要求,但要符合建房其他方面的具体要求。

  4. 因为面积总体不大,所以在设计的时候洗衣房往往就和厕所卫生间合并了。建议客人考虑一个卧室的设计,但往往客户需要2个分开的房间。当然了,我也见过4房的设计。

  5. 关于造价,一般我们带大House 一起建个两房加一厨一卫的60平米的Granny Flat 的话呢,是8万左右。包和大房子类似的装修。(但不单建。)据说市面上一般是9万多以上的价格。

  1. 以目前的项目实例来看,一般客人做CDC的居多,根据土地的总面积和宽度,我们可以计算出有多少面积可以分配给大House

  2. Granny flat Out building, studio 是两回事情。



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如果您有任何疑问,或希望预约面谈建房,或是分地投资开发,请致电本文作者Michael Zhu 0430169899或发送邮件至michael.zhu@rawson.net.au



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