
2018年04月07日 美国堪城生活


2018 春季堪城中美联合会中国签证活动的通知

时间: 周六, 二零一八年四月七日, 下午 1:30 – 3:30

地点: 以马内利华人浸信会, 10101 England Dr, OverlandPark, KS 66212
服务项目: 只受理中国签证 (不受理中国护照, 旅行证, 及养老金资格审核的服务)

为方便社区,堪城中美联合会(KCCAA)将代办赴华签证。具体申请材料及收费要求, 请参照中国芝加哥总领馆网页如下:


签证及服务费用:除了领事馆要求的签证费($140美国护照,$90其他非美国护照)以外, 堪城中美联合会将对每本护照/申请人收取相应代办手续费, $40 (会员),$50 (非会员).

请将签证费和代办手续费一起付给堪城中美联合会(KCCAA), 接受现金或个人支票付款,不收信用卡。然后由堪城中美联合会统一支付领事馆要求的签证费用.

申请人不需要回邮信封.签证办完后, 堪城中美联合会将派人赴中国驻芝加哥总领馆领取护照及签证, 并统一发放. 请于二零一八年四月二十一日下午 1:30 – 3:30凭办理收据来领取护照/签证.


When: Saturday, April 7, 2018, 1:30– 3:30pm

Where: Emmanuel Chinese BaptistChurch, 10101 England Dr, Overland Park, KS 66212
Service Items: Chinesevisa only (no Chinese passport, or travel certificate, etc.)

For visa informationand required documents for each visa type, please refer the information listedin the Consulate General’s website:


Visa andService Fees: The required visa fees are $140 for US Citizen, and $90 fornon-US Citizen. In addition to the visa fee required by the Consulate General,service fee of $40 for member and $50 for non-member per passport/applicantwill be collected by KCCAA.

Please combine therequired visa fee (to Consulate General) and service fee (to KCCAA) togetherand make one payment to “KCCAA”. Cash or personal checks are accepted. Creditcards are NOT accepted.

No need for returnenvelope, and the passport/visa will be distributed to you by KCCAA in two (2)weeks. Please come and bring your receipt to pick up your passport/visa onSaturday April 21, 2018, 1:30 – 3:30pm.

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