[RELO活动] 2018年4月21日,星期六9:00-16:30,第二十二届RELO英语教学研讨会

2018年04月04日 美国驻华大使馆



欢迎您于4月21日星期六前来北京美国中心,参加由美国驻华大使馆地区英语项目办公室(Regional English Language Office)举办的第二十二届英语教学研讨会!此活动免费面向各学段英语教师及教研人员。 

本次活动由2位目前在中国高校执教的美国外语/二语教学领域的英语学者(English LanguageFellow)为大家带来4场时长均为75分钟的工作坊。活动限100人,实名注册,报满即止。


日程 Schedule (subjectto change)

9:00-9:15: OpeningRemarks

9:15-10:30:Get Them Talking! Ideas for IncreasingStudent Questions and Discussions in ClassDani Francuz Rose

Students cansometimes shy away from asking questions in class or actively participating ingroup discussions, and for teachers, this can lead to a less student-centeredclassroom than we'd like. In this workshop, the presenter will share variousideas and methods that can help students feel more comfortable engaging inclass as well as topics and activities that can stimulate ideas for higherlevel questions and discussions. Student grouping, discussion facilitationtechniques, and question elicitation are topics to be discussed. Participantswill also get the chance to ask and answer their related questions by engagingin various group discussions along with the presenter.


10:45-12:00:Best Practices in Teaching L2Vocabulary – Ian Baecht

Effectivestrategies for learning new vocabulary involve more than simply using adictionary (although that is an important strategy!). EFL instructors need toknow how to lead their students towards greater understanding of what Englishwords are and how they function in discourse. This workshop will explore toolsto help students build understanding of word families, guess meaning fromcontext, and learn how to really use a dictionary effectively. Participantswill investigate the roles of identifying word families, synonyms/antonyms, andcollocational patterns, as well as gain practice with cloze activities,sentence writing, and making vocabulary note cards. Incorporation of pronunciationand listening tasks will also be included as multi-modal additions/approachesto a more holistic conception of teaching and learning new vocabulary.   

12:00-13:30Lunch Break

13:30-14:45 Vocabulary Power: Games andActivities to Assist Vocabulary Learning (and Retaining)– Dani Francuz Rose

TheEnglish Language has an incredibly rich vocabulary, and while welinguists/teachers love this, our students find it a little difficult to retainall the synonyms and antonyms that make English so great. In this workshop thepresenter will share several vocabulary learning/practicing strategies andgames that she has used in her own classroom. The activities range from themore traditional, such as daily quizzes and matching games, to the more modern,such as semantic maps and smartphone apps. Participants will be invited to playalong and to share any unique vocabulary activities they have found useful intheir respective contexts.

15:00-16:15 DesigningSpeaking Activities for Oral Fluency – IanBaecht

Studentstypically have a variety of options in tasks and activities to speak English inour classes: role plays, skits, interviews, discussions, presentations, anddebates. This workshop will discuss (and practice) strategies for thepreparation and planning of speaking activities. What is the task structure?What kind of language and instructional support will be provided? How willopportunities for rehearsal and repetition be built in? What is the ultimateactivity going to look like, and what stages will need to be sequenced to getthere? The importance of proper introduction, modeling, and follow-up will beinvestigated, as well as various possibilities for participant andinteractional patterns, and what kinds of material supports might be needed to enhancestudent success.

16:15-16:30: Closing Remarks






Thisevent is ONLY open to English teachers and professionals. The event will beconducted in English. Audio or video recording of the program will not bepermitted.


You must bring both your valid photo ID and registration confirmation page inorder to get into BAC. Large bags or laptops will not be allowed into BAC forthis event.

Please arrive 30 minutes earlier ahead of the start time. You will NOT beadmitted if you arrive half an hour after the program has started. If youcannot show up for the event, please cancel your reservation from the Eventbritewebsite at least 24 hours ahead. Otherwise, for future events, we may cancelyour reservations.

For security reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entry toanyone.


Attendeesgrant permission to the U.S. Department of State to photograph and video recordtheir image and/or voice. Permission is granted for the U.S. Department ofState to release, publish, broadcast or quote this material in publicinformation programs and activities. Content procured may be included in futurespeeches, on the Internet, through multiple broadcast channels and printmedia.  Use of content (image, audio orideas) will not be used for commercial purposes.


Location: No. 55 An Jia Lou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (East Gate of theU.S. Embassy).

Directions: Metro Line 10, Liangmaqiao Station Exit B, walk northeast to theTian Ze Road intersection of An Jia Lou Road, north side of the Visas Office.




RELO (Regional English LanguageOffice) works with professional teachers of English through a series ofprograms focusing on capacity building of local ELT communities. RELO also hasa resource center providing a collection of state-of-the-art professionalmaterials and holds professional development seminars on topics of professionalinterest to the English teaching community. For more information, see: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/education-culture/relo/.




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