【昨日最新真题解析】4月SWT新题 Nurse Sharks 深度解答(附高分答案)

2018年04月13日 7PLUS英语

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以下是高频考题 Nurse Sharks 的分析,并附上高分参考答案。



Nurse sharks arenocturnal(夜行性) animals, spending the day in large inactive (不活动的)groups of up to 40 individuals. Hidden under submerged ledges(暗礁) or in crevices(裂缝) within the reef, the Nurse sharks seem toprefer specific resting sites and will return to them each day after the nightshunting.

By night, the sharks are largely solitary(独居的). Nurse sharks spend most of their timeforaging(搜寻) through thebottom sediments in search of food. Their diet consistsprimarily of crustaceans(甲壳纲动物), molluscs(软体动物), tunicates(背囊动物) and other fish such as spiny lobsters, crabs, shrimps, sea urchins,octopuses, squid, marine snails and bivalves and in particularly, stingrays.

Nurse sharks arethought to take advantage of dormant(休眠的) fish which would otherwise be too fast for the sharks to catch, althoughtheir small mouths limit the size of prey items, the sharks have large throat cavities(喉腔) which are used as a sort of bellows valve(波纹管阀). In this way, Nurse sharks are able to suck in their prey. Nurse sharks are also known to graze algae(海藻) and coral.

这是一篇短小精悍而又生词频出的SWT文本,那么这类文章要如何处理又怎么快速抓到采分点呢?我们一起先来给文章的几层含义进行区分。大致浏览完全文之后我们有了一个general idea,即在介绍Nurse sharks的活动及捕食习惯。那么我们按照介绍的内容分成以下三段,第一段介绍Nurse sharks的白天活动,第二段介绍晚上的活动,第三段介绍结构特征以及捕食对象。


Nurse sharks arenocturnal(夜行性) animals, spending the day in large inactive (不活动的)groups of up to 40 individuals. Hidden under submerged ledges(暗礁) or in crevices(裂缝) within the reef, the Nurse sharks seem toprefer specific resting sites and will return to them each day after the nightshunting.


第一部分一共两句话,我们看看分别表达了什么含义。第一句说nurse sharks是夜行性动物,白天聚在最多40个的不活跃的群体里,很显然,nocturnalanimals是nurse sharks的最主要特征,又处于文章开头,完全可以作为全文的总结性表述,不认识nocturnal这个单词也没有关系,我们可以通过下文大致推断,这种专有词汇也可以不做修改直接写上。第二句话说nursesharks的活动范围,他们经常藏在暗礁下或礁石的裂缝中,后半句具体解释nurse sharks的日常轨迹,可以掠过不看。那么我们来抽出文章的主干: Nurse sharks are nocturnal animals, spending the day in largeinactive groups... under ... ledges or in crevices within the reef... 我们把它稍加变形重新组合成一句完整的总结:As nocturnal animals,nurse sharks spending the day in large inactive groups under ledges or increvices within the reef.


By night, the sharks are largely solitary(独居的). Nurse sharks spend most of their timeforaging(搜寻) through thebottom sediments in search of food. Their diet consistsprimarily of crustaceans(甲壳纲动物), molluscs(软体动物), tunicates(背囊动物) and other fish such as spiny lobsters, crabs, shrimps, sea urchins,octopuses, squid, marine snails and bivalves and in particularly, stingrays.


这一小段乍一看有点吓人,貌似有很多不认识的生词。但大家要记住,频繁出现生词,专有名词,特定事件的地方通常都是对细节的描述,我们把这些不重要的细节扣除剩下的寥寥几个单词就是我们所需要的summary主干了,这样是不是就觉得还蛮喜欢这种题目的?我们一起分析一下这一段。首句又是一句总结性的表述,说到了夜晚nurse sharks大部分是分散的,那么这一段可能都是围绕solitary这个词进行的。第二句说他们大多时间都在海底搜寻食物,也就是他们分散的目的。下面一句话虽然很长却并没有提供更多的可用信息,具体在讲他们的觅食对象,那我们可以简单用sea creatures来概括这些生物。同样的,我们再来抽出这段话的主干:By night, the sharks are largely solitary... search for food... 稍微变形,得到 Nurse sharks hunt all variety of seacreatures separately at night.


Nurse sharks arethought to take advantage of dormant(休眠的) fish which would otherwise be too fast for the sharks to catch, althoughtheir small mouths limit the size of prey items, the sharks have large throat cavities(喉腔) which are used as a sort of bellows valve(波纹管阀). In this way, Nurse sharks are able to suck in their prey. Nurse sharks are also known to graze algae(海藻) and coral.


先来看第一句,前半句讲nurse sharks被认为会猎取休眠的鱼类,否则会因为游得太快而不便于他们的抓捕,那么这段的重点就是nurse sharks的捕食对象,即dormant fish,后面的原因忽略不提。后半句说尽管它们的小嘴会限制捕食对象的大小,但他们巨大的喉腔可以起到bellows valve的作用。那么although后面的让步信息通常不重要,忽略不看,重要的是逗号后的内容,即它们有large throat cavities,至于起到什么样的作用也是作为补充说明,掠过不看。第二三句都很简短但不可忽视,分别说nurse sharks这一特殊生理构造的作用及其他的捕食对象,那么suck in和algae and coral都要提到。我们再来抽出文章主干:Nurse sharks... dormant fish...have large throat cavities... such in their prey... graze algae and coral. 稍加变形,得到:The large throat cavities enable themto suck in prey such as dormant fish and graze algae and coral.




As nocturnalanimals, nurse sharks spending the day in large inactive groups under ledges orin crevices within the reef and hunting all variety of sea creatures separatelyat night, the large throat cavities enable them to suck in prey such as dormantfish and graze algae and coral. (49)


4月28日 周末班

周六 日上课 连续三周

10:00 - 12:30  13:30 - 16:00






雅思稳定在 听力 8 阅读 8 写作 6.5 口语 7

PTE 4个 65以上






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