
2015年06月16日 GSG澳洲留学



Community and Public Sector Union 宣称说,受雇于移民局(DIBP)和澳大利亚海关和边境保护局(ACBPS)的成员将会参与到罢工之中。移民和边境保护机构正在与合作机构航空公司,码头口岸进行合作,尽量减少罢工对市民出行、货物及邮件可能产生的影响。

ACBPS的Deputy CEO Border Operations迈克尔欧南表示,“虽然服务效率与会因为罢工而降低,但我们仍然会通过各种措施让影像降到最低。对于可能给大家带来的影响深表遗憾。“欧南先生说。“在这一行动中,我们人民的健康安全和边境保护仍旧是我们的首要任务。”

从周二起,在国际机场的乘客可能会受到影响,最新消息将在政府官方网站公布(www.customs.gov.au 和 www.immi.gov.au)并且在边境保护局的Facebook官方页面上也会有定期更新。











Protected Industrial Action by Immigration and Border Protection Portfolio staff


Protected industrial action will commence today, and will continue intermittently until Friday, 26 June 2015. During this period, airports, client service centres, ports, container examination facilities and visa processes may be affected.

The protected industrial action is being undertaken by Community and Public Sector Union members employed with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS).

The Immigration and Border Protection Portfolio is working with partner agencies, airport owners and airlines to minimise impact on the travelling public and on cargo and mail operations. The Portfolio is also ensuring appropriate contingencies are in place for visa and citizenship services.

ACBPS Deputy CEO Border Operations, Michael Outram, said the Portfolio has arrangements in place to protect Australia’s borders and minimise the impact on business operations.

“While there will be some delays in services, we anticipate that contingency measures in place will keep interruptions to a minimum. The Portfolio regrets any inconvenience this industrial action may cause the public and industry,” Mr Outram said.

“During protected industrial action, the health and safety of our people and the protection of the border continue to be our priority.”

Passengers may be impacted at international airports from Tuesday, 16 June 2015. Regular updates about protected industrial action will be published on Portfolio websites (www.customs.gov.au and www.immi.gov.au) and official Facebook pages.

“The Portfolio has negotiated with bargaining representatives to develop a proposed enterprise agreement that provides the best possible outcome for the combined workforce in a challenging operational and fiscal environment,” Mr Outram said.

“The proposed enterprise agreement has been circulated to employees, and will be put to a vote as soon as the approvals required under the under the Australian Government Public Sector Workplace Bargaining Policy have been secured.”

Airports affected are:

Perth: 18 June 2015

Darwin: 18 June 2015

Brisbane: 24 June 2015

Gold Coast: 24 June 2015

Melbourne: 25 June 2015

Adelaide: 26 June 2015

Cairns: 26 June 2015



我们提供真正的一条龙服务。我们在澳洲生活和工作多年,石女士 (微信: yan-gsg) 2006 年获澳大利亚新南威尔士大学医学博士,现为澳洲高级医学研究员,同时兼新南威尔士大学医学系高级讲师并指导博士生。因此,她在澳洲上学和工作的成功经历使她对澳洲的教育体制和就业选择有深刻的理解。高先生 (微信: johngsg) 是被澳洲政府授予的太平绅士(JP),是澳洲的“民间公证人”,具有较高的个人信誉。

  我们深晓留学之道,凭借本地留学咨询公司的优势和丰富资源,真正做到了来澳后的后续支持,包括接机,预定住宿,指导和带领学生去办理银行帐号,澳洲手机号和税号等,陪同和指导生活必需品和学习用品采买,定期电话跟进指导,压力疏导,大学课程选择的咨询和辅导, 与导师学习互动的咨询和具体方法指导等,特别是在刚来澳洲的头半年,帮助学生尽快适应澳洲的学习和生活,从而解除了父母的后顾之忧。这是我们的特色,也是我们一直坚持的!我们可以骄傲地说,到目前为止,所有的家长都对我们这项后续服务非常满意和感激。我们也很欣慰--我们能为学生家长分担一些。留学具体详情,请加我们个人答疑微信。

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