Kindergarten kids is Discovering Their Senses! | 幼儿园孩子的感受力探索!

2018年10月15日 合肥加拿大国际学校

Kindergarten has been busy learning about their senses! The outside world shapes a child’s development and how they experience that world is through their five senses seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. It is important that children are given the tools to name their senses and learn where on our body we experience them.  


A great way to for children to learn this is through a sensory table! In our  classroom, we have a station set up for each of our senses, which is labelled with words as well as pictures.  


Each station includes one or two ways in experience that sense. For example, in the “smell” station, there is a cinnamon stick, a jar of cumin and a jar of oregano. This table helps the children sort out their senses! Through play, they can isolate each sense and discover which body part controls it.                    


This sensory table isavailable for the children to explore and interact with all day long. We often add new items to the stations, or use them during lessons. In addition, for being a great teaching tool, sensory tables also have a calming effect on children. If a child is hyperactive, upset or anxious the discovering ofstrange objects, smells or feelings can be engaging, distracting and exciting!  


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