而且,移民部也明确表示了,从今年5月28日开始,今年再申请Accountants 和 Software and applications Programmers的移民分数要求都提升到了65!
同时,移民局官网数据显示2014-2015年的移民配额已经满了的职业有以上三个:ICT业务和系统分析师(ICT Business and System Analysis),软件和应用程序的程序员( Software and Applications Programmers, Accountants),以及会计(Accountants)。
从最新的移民局数据上看,每年Accountants 和 Software and Applications Programmers 都有5000多个名额,但是基本上年年都满,而且一般不需要一年,基本上半年多这些名额就会都被申请完。
1. 尽量把可以拿到的移民加分拿到,特别是白送的PY职业年5分,及早申请不要出现下手晚了都是人家的啦
2. 选择专业可以视野更加开阔一些,大胆一些,不太明白可以问问我
3. 快毕业的同学不必过度解读这临时的65分的移民分变动,这个是结构性的,不是政策性的,一切都在合理范围内掌控!我们都知道下一个财政年度移民配额不变,所以基本上我们判断也不会太大波动。
1. 新SOL清单的出台
2. 每个职业的移民配额调整
编号 | 职业 | 配额 | 用量 |
1331 | Construction Managers | 5178 | 113 |
1332 | Engineering Managers | 1428 | 41 |
1335 | Production Managers | 3132 | 3 |
1341 | Child Care Centre Managers | 1000 | 14 |
1342 | Health and Welfare Services Managers | 1356 | 45 |
2211 | Accountants | 5478 | 5478 |
2212 | Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers | 1188 | 792 |
2241 | Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians | 1000 | 77 |
2245 | Land Economists and Valuers | 1000 | 30 |
2312 | Marine Transport Professionals | 1000 | 36 |
2321 | Architects and Landscape Architects | 1476 | 275 |
2322 | Cartographers and Surveyors | 1000 | 68 |
2326 | Urban and Regional Planners | 1000 | 69 |
2331 | Chemical and Materials Engineers | 1000 | 347 |
2332 | Civil Engineering Professionals | 2850 | 1008 |
2333 | Electrical Engineers | 1332 | 387 |
2334 | Electronics Engineers | 1000 | 513 |
2335 | Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers | 1680 | 1254 |
2336 | Mining Engineers | 1000 | 134 |
2339 | Other Engineering Professionals | 1000 | 784 |
2341 | Agricultural and Forestry Scientists | 1000 | 133 |
2346 | Medical Laboratory Scientists | 1092 | 84 |
2347 | Veterinarians | 1000 | 90 |
2349 | Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals | 1000 | 29 |
2411 | Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers | 1404 | 120 |
2414 | Secondary School Teachers | 7002 | 511 |
2415 | Special Education Teachers | 1044 | 15 |
2512 | Medical Imaging Professionals | 1014 | 88 |
2513 | Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals | 1470 | 108 |
2514 | Optometrists and Orthoptists | 1000 | 26 |
2521 | Chiropractors and Osteopaths | 1000 | 34 |
2523 | Dental Practitioners | 1000 | 235 |
2524 | Occupational Therapists | 1000 | 97 |
2525 | Physiotherapists | 1188 | 154 |
2526 | Podiatrists | 1000 | 20 |
2527 | Speech Professionals and Audiologists | 1000 | 49 |
2531 | General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers | 3672 | 416 |
2532 | Anaesthetists | 1000 | 18 |
2533 | Internal Medicine Specialists | 1000 | 50 |
2534 | Psychiatrists | 1000 | 24 |
2535 | Surgeons | 1000 | 15 |
2539 | Other Medical Practitioners | 1000 | 560 |
2541 | Midwives | 1000 | 31 |
2544 | Registered Nurses | 15 042 | 2503 |
2611 | ICT Business and Systems Analysts | 1620 | 1620 |
2613 | Software and Applications Programmers | 5005 | 5005 |
2631 | Computer Network Professionals | 1788 | 1379 |
2633 | Telecommunications Engineering Professionals | 1000 | 440 |
2711 | Barristers | 1000 | 3 |
2713 | Solicitors | 3426 | 193 |
2723 | Psychologists | 1248 | 123 |
2725 | Social Workers | 1968 | 178 |
3122 | Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | 1000 | 70 |
3123 | Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | 1000 | 37 |
3132 | Telecommunications Technical Specialists | 1000 | 25 |
3211 | Automotive Electricians | 1000 | 5 |
3212 | Motor Mechanics | 6444 | 159 |
3222 | Sheetmetal Trades Workers | 1000 | 1 |
3223 | Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers | 4482 | 57 |
3232 | Metal Fitters and Machinists | 6816 | 55 |
3233 | Precision Metal Trades Workers | 1000 | 2 |
3311 | Bricklayers and Stonemasons | 1506 | 64 |
3312 | Carpenters and Joiners | 7164 | 216 |
3322 | Painting Trades Workers | 2448 | 14 |
3331 | Glaziers | 1000 | 3 |
3332 | Plasterers | 1980 | 18 |
3334 | Wall and Floor Tilers | 1110 | 2 |
3341 | Plumbers | 4464 | 96 |
3411 | Electricians | 7854 | 180 |
3421 | Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics | 1626 | 25 |
3422 | Electrical Distribution Trades Workers | 1000 | 4 |
3423 | Electronics Trades Workers | 2580 | 31 |
3513 | Chefs | 2547 | 102 |
3991 | Boat Builders and Shipwrights | 1000 | 0 |
4112 | Dental Hygienists, Technicians and Therapists | 1000 | 26 |