#美国拉美食物# 你听说过阿瑞巴玉米饼(Arepa)吗?

2018年10月23日 美国驻华大使馆

#美国拉美食物# #庆祝多样化# 你听说过阿瑞巴玉米饼(Arepa)吗?来自于哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉的阿瑞巴玉米饼是一种常见的早餐,通常会搭配加奶咖啡。在哥伦比亚,阿瑞巴玉米饼由玉米面制成,奶酪是单独另放的;而在委内瑞拉,阿瑞巴玉米饼通常会搭配一颗牛油果、肉或一枚鸡蛋。如果你喜欢奶酪和面包,拉丁美洲这一地区有各种各样的芝士面包,包括炸油圈饼(bunuelo)、木薯饼(pandebono)和奶酪饼(pandequeso),不过我们得留到明年再多多介绍啦!现在呢,就像西班牙语里说的,buen provecho祝大家用餐愉快!

Have you ever heard of an arepa?  Hailing from Colombia and Venezuela, arepas are a typical breakfast, usually paired with a coffee with milk.  In Colombia, the arepa which is made from corn flour and cheese is eaten alone; while in Venezuela, the arepa can be typically garnished with an avocado, meat or an egg.  If you enjoy cheese and bread, this region of Latin America has all sorts of cheese breads, including bunuelos, pandebonos and pandequesos, but more on that next year!   For now, as they would say in Spanish, buen provecho (enjoy your meal)!

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