#美国拉美食物# #庆祝多样化#随着拉美移民大量进入美国,拉美食物在全国有了名气。太有名了以至于在美国菜肴中创立了一种全新的菜系,名为“美式墨西哥菜”(Tex Mex),灵感来自于拉美口味。墨西哥炸卷饼Chimichangas?墨西哥卷饼Burritos? 墨西哥辣椒酱? 虽然Tex Mex不一定是正宗的拉美食物,因为它更多地融合了拉丁美洲和美国美食,但它出现在全国各地的餐馆和食谱中无疑说明了美国菜肴欢迎多样性。事实上,除了Tex Mex之外,有些人开玩笑说,你甚至可以在美国的某些地方找到比拉美部分地区更好吃的拉美菜肴。
# Latin American food #With the surge of Latin immigrants to the U.S., Latin American food has made its mark across the country. SO much so that American cuisine has created a completely new genre called “Tex Mex” inspired by Latin flavors. Chimichangas? Burritos? Chili con carne? Even though Tex Mex is not necessarily authentic Latin food as it is more of a fusion of Latin and American cuisines, its appearance in restaurants and cookbooks across the country is certainly an indication of how American cuisine embraces diversity. In fact, Tex Mex aside, some people joke that you can even find better Latin cuisine in some parts of the U.S. than in parts of Latin America.