10月26日周五 18:30 新媒体时代我们如何获取新闻
Friday, October 26, 18:30 News Exposure in an Age of Media Choice
Wheredo you get your news? How does where people get their informationinfluence peoples’opinions and impact society? It is no surprise that the new medialandscape offers people an abundance of information. As news consumers,understanding this environment and the challenges and benefits it presents iskey. Come join Professor Edgerly on Friday, Oct. 26 at 6:30pm at theShanghai American Center for an in-depth look and conversation about the newmedia landscape in the U.S.
This event will be conducted in English.
StephanieEdgerly 是美国西北大学麦迪尔新闻学院的一名副教授。她主要从事媒体受众研究。她的研究探讨了新媒体是如何改变受众获取新闻和参与政治的。她对新闻娱乐化、个人和团体如何在社交媒体上分享新闻、以及受众如何选择性接受新闻等话题很有兴趣。Edgerly目前正在开展一系列的研究,来确定哪些因素影响了关于“假新闻”的判断,以及人们采用哪些手段来核实新闻内容。她也长期参与关于青少年的政治和新闻的社交化的研究。
StephanieEdgerly is an assistant professor of journalism at NorthwesternUniversity. Her areas of expertise include audience insight such as howaudiences create and share news over social media, and how audiences consumemedia. She also examines how new media alters the way audiences consumenews and affect political engagement as well as the mix of news andentertainment. Currently, Edgerly is researching the factors that shapejudgments about “fakenews” and thestrategies people employ for verifying news claims. She also is engaged in amulti-year study examining the political and news socialization of adolescentsand young adults.
*You must bring a valid physical photo ID (national ID, driver’s license, or passport) inorder to enter the Shanghai American Center. Copies or pictures of IDs will notbe accepted. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow enough timefor security screening.
*Pleasemake sure the name used to register for the event matches the name on your ID.
*Pleasebe aware that laptops are prohibited in the Shanghai American Center, and weare unable to provide storage.
*Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Consulate Shanghai PressOffice.
10月31日周三18:30 中非政治安全问题探析
Wednesday, October 31, 18:30 An Exploration of Current Sino-AfricaPolitical and Security Issues
本次讲座中,上海美国中心请到了德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校LBJ公共事务学院的JoshuaEisenman教授来为大家讲解中非政治军事关系,Eisenman教授同时也是美国外交政策委员会中国中心的高级研究员。去年夏天,Eisenman教授与前美国驻埃塞俄比亚、布基纳法索大使David H. Shinn合作,对吉布提、埃塞俄比亚、加纳、纳米比亚和南非等五个非洲国家的政府官员、政党领袖、军事领袖、记者和学者进行了数十次采访。在2017年6月的两周内,两位学者采访了多位中国的专家和政策制定者。本次讲座中,Eisenman教授会介绍两位在即将出版的关于中非政治和军事关系的书中提出的观点,他们的首部合著《中国与非洲:一个世纪的交往》曾美国外交关系委员会期刊《外交事务》评为非洲研究相关书目三佳之一。
Please join the Shanghai American Center for a discussion on China-Africapolitical and military relations led by Professor Joshua Eisenman, Universityof Texas-Austin Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs and American ForeignPolicy Council Senior Fellow in China Studies. This past summer, incollaboration with Ambassador David H. Shinn, Professor Eisenman conducteddozens of interviews with government officials, political party leaders,military leaders, journalists, and academics in five African countries – Djibouti, Ethiopia,Ghana, Namibia, and South Africa. Over the course of two weeks in June 2017,the two researchers interviewed several experts and policymakers in China.During this event, Professor Eisenman will present preliminary findings fromtheir forthcoming book on China-Africa political and military relations. Theirfirst collaborative research and book project, China and Africa: A Centuryof Engagement, was named one of the top three books on Africa by ForeignAffairs, a journal published by the U.S.-based Council on Foreign Relations.
This event will be conducted in English.
* 请携带有效的并带有照片的身份证件原件(身份证、驾照或护照)进入上海美国中心,证件复印件或照片将不被允许进入。请至少提前 15 分钟到场以便安检。
*You must bring a valid physical photo ID (national ID, driver’s license, or passport) inorder to enter the Shanghai American Center. Copies or pictures of IDs will notbe accepted. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow enough timefor security screening.
* 请使用您证件上的名字预约参加活动。
*Please make sure the name used to register for the event matches the name onyour ID.
*Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in the Shanghai American Center,and we are unable to provide storage.
*Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Consulate Shanghai PressOffice.
11月1日周四18:30 希望与挑战:亚裔美国作家的移民故事
Thursday, November 1, 18:30 Navigating the Hopes and Challenges ofImmigration
“我是谁?”相信许多人都在某个时刻思考过这个古老、重要、偶尔会令人不安的问题。正是这个问题,让亚裔美国作家林玉玲(Shirley Geok-lin Lim) 和山下凯伦(KarenYamashita)开始思考和人类与个体命运相关的希望和挑战。讲座中,两位作家会谈论各自的作品以及其亚裔美国人的身份。林女士的回忆录叙述了她在饱受战争之苦的马来西亚度过的与贫困和暴力相伴的童年。在父亲生意失败、母亲离家出走后,她独自一人在世界上寻找自己的位置。1968年,她获得了富布赖特奖学金的机会,离开了爱人,前往美国布兰迪斯大学深造。书中讲述了她为在这片新的土地上扎根所做出的努力,以及她是如何经常被夹在旧生活的古板传统和新生活的严峻挑战之间。经常陷入她前世令人窒息的传统和新兴生活的严峻挑战之间。山下凯伦会和大家分享移民的根源、路线,以及她的家庭从日本移民美国的故事。她的作品《K圈循环》(CircleK Cycles)中的随笔和短篇小说,通过用幽默和充满想象力的笔触,描写了第二代日本-巴西人移民在移居日本、从事本国人已经不愿意从事的劳动时面临的文化挑战。本场讲座是上海美国中心和中美教育基金2018亚裔美国作家系列合作举办的,欢迎各位参加,从而对美国的多元文化视角和构成美国社会的多种文化背景有更多的了解。
”Who am I?” is a perennial, deeplyimportant and, at times, unsettling question many of us will ponder at onepoint or another in our lives. In the case of Asian-American writers ShirleyGeok-lin Lim and Karen Yamashita, this question led them to explore the hopesand challenges that are closely intertwined with the movement of peoples andindividual lives. During this talk, the authors will discuss their literaryworks and speak to the Asian-American experience. Ms. Lim’s memoir recounts herchildhood characterized by poverty and violence in war-torn Malaysia. After herfather’sbusiness fails and her mother leaves the family, she is left alone to find herway in the world. In 1968, she received a Fulbright Scholarship and leaves theman she loves to study at Brandeis University in the United States. Limrecounts the deep struggle to secure a place for herself in this new land,often caught between the stifling traditions of her previous life and the harshchallenges of the emerging new one. As the author of Circle K Cycles, Ms.Yamashita will discuss winding immigrant roots (i.e. homelands), routes (i.e.destinations and homes), and her family’s story of emigration fromJapan. Full of humor and imagination, her essays and short stories highlightthe challenges of cultural adaptation faced by second-generationJapanese-Brazilians who migrate to Japan to assume the manual work its citizensno longer want. In partnership with the U.S.-China Education Trust 2018Asian-American Author Series, the Shanghai American Center welcomes you to thisprogram, which seeks to broaden knowledge about multicultural perspectives inthe U.S. and enrich understanding of the range of experiences that cometogether to form the American story.
This event will be conducted in English.
* 请携带有效的并带有照片的身份证件原件(身份证、驾照或护照)进入上海美国中心,证件复印件或照片将不被允许进入。请至少提前 15 分钟到场以便安检。
*You must bring a valid physical photo ID (national ID, driver’s license, or passport) inorder to enter the Shanghai American Center. Copies or pictures of IDs will notbe accepted. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow enough timefor security screening.
* 请使用您证件上的名字预约参加活动。
*Please make sure the name used to register for the event matches the name onyour ID.
*Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in the Shanghai American Center,and we are unable to provide storage.
*Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Consulate Shanghai PressOffice.
上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。
地址: 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城东峰540室
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