
2018年10月29日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

为提高同学们学习科学兴趣,提高实验技能, 长春市实验中学国际部于2017年建立了全新的特色科学实验室。实验室引入物理、化学、生物和地理学科的仪器和模型。同学们可以通过做实验的方式近距离了解学科知识,感受实验的神奇魅力。

In order to improve students' interest in science and their experimental skills, Changchun Experimental High School International Division set up a new science laboratory with its own features in 2017, which introduces instruments and models of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography. Students can deepen their understanding on each subject  through experiments, and be personally immersed in these experiments.


Under the guidance of Chemistry teacher, Darryl, Grade 12 students  stepped into the new laboratory for the first time, listening carefully to Darryls instruction on rules and regulations of lab and carried out the experiment in accordance with related requirements. The students measured the temperature of the water at room temperature and the temperature after mixing it with the boiled water, and calculated the  energy exchange by using formulas they learned. They also measured water temperature after adding sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide respectively.  Energy exchange can also be calculated by formula learned.

第二节课在化学老师Lily的带领下,同学们再一次进入实验室,这次同学们进行了趣味实验——大象牙膏。首先,同学们通过观看视频对实验有了初步的了解,对实验产生了极大的兴趣。接下来,老师讲解了实验原理和实验步骤,同学们按照实验步骤开始 操作实验,每一组的实验现象都很明显。有的学生为了让自己的实验现象更明显,自主探究,通过调节药品比例达成自己想要的现象。

In the second class, led by chemistry teacher, Lily,  students once again entered the lab. They also conducted an interesting experiment named elephant toothpaste. First of all,  students through watching the video had a preliminary understanding on the experiment,  and further took great interest in the experiment. Next, the teacher explained the principle and steps of the experiment. The students began the experiment according to the experimental steps. The experimental phenomena were obvious in each group. Some students, in order to make their experiments more obvious, explored independently by adjusting the proportion of drugs to achieve their desired phenomenon.


Through these two experiments, students have a new understanding on chemistry, and are looking forward to the next experimental courses.



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