Alex的故事: What do you see when you close your eyes?

2014年07月08日 Go2旅行伦敦

What do you see when you close your eyes?

I see warmth in the salty air, I see fresh green running towards the edge of cliffs until it reaches the startling blue and I see rays of gold dancing on blankets of waves, on and on.

I think of nothing, I speak of nothing. I am simply there, back to the sea cliffs in a little Xhosa village in South Africa.

At the end of every journey, you paint yourself a perfect period. You get off the plane, carefully conceal the associated memories before rushing back to your normal 9 to 5. You leave them behind so you can move on.

But the truth is, some moment never leaves. It pertains quietly and you hardly notice its existence, until one day you close your eyes, you see it again, so vivid as if you were still there.

It has been 6 months since I came back from Africa. Life has carried on as usual, I see old friends, I walk along the same narrow city streets, and I go to the same cafe and order the same coffee. Yet underneath this seemingly uninterrupted continuity, everything has changed.

Before Africa, I was going through a dark period, trying to figure out what I wanted in life. It was a time filled with confusion, frustration and pain. I loathed the life where one day means no more than the next, but without a direction, following your heart seems to be merely vain words.

Africa came just in time during this tormenting metamorphosis. It could have been South America or even Antarctica, but it is Africa. Just like many things in life, it could have been the alternative, but it ended on a particular one. The ones that eventually become what make us, composing our length and depth, our tone and texture.

Seeing the things I have seen, meeting the people I have met and trying the things I have tried there, it became mystically clear to me that the world is bigger than an office cubicle; passion is an necessity in life, not material enjoyment; sense of fulfilment comes from creating something for the world, not from a huge bonus.

So 6 months back, I see my old friend, I walk the same street and I drink the same coffee, but no longer do I feel the need to stuff my Friday nights with parties, no longer do I crave for shiny new shoes or bags, no longer do I try to attend every new shows in town just to be fashionable and no longer do I require someone to be always by my side. There are no holes to be filled anymore. Life becomes simple and clear when you are true.

I read, I climb and I go to shows that I am truly interested in.

I write, I cook and I have long and fascinating conversations with people I truly love.

I fell in love with life.

What do you see when you close your eyes?

I see hope, I see a life full of possibilities and I see hearts filled with passion.

And I hope you see it too.




Go2旅行伦敦是旅行爱好者的免费社交分享平台。 We Believe you have the power to make your life an adventure. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Go2神游: 旅游达人行走世界的精彩故事

Go2专访: 分享不同生活态度和人生观点
Go2结伴: 发帖呼唤小伙伴,一起去旅行
Go2攻略: 骨灰级大侠教你如何吃喝玩乐
Go2推荐: 小编们梦寐以求的世界另一边
Go2热论: 邀你们一起围绕旅游话题热论


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