看见不一样的精彩我的“实习生”经历又是一年暑假,离家一年的同学们回到了国内,有的选择在家休息,有的选择四处旅行,也有人选择挥洒青春汗水,寻找实习机会锻炼自己,积累工作经验,今天就让我们来听听两位往届校友在校实习的故事,并感谢他们一个月来的辛勤付出。黄毅嘉-NCUK第九届英国班学生,经过IFY一年的刻苦学习以优异的成绩考入英国布里斯托大学本科大一实习感言I have been a teach assistant for a month. To be honest, I really love this foundation year school where I had my one-year campus life. Let’s start from my foundation year. The foundation year was really a transitional period for my university life. My grammar, spoken English, writing skill were really improved with the help of teachers. That’s why I chose to spend 1/3 of summer vocation working here. Then, move on to my assistant period. The teachers are friendly and kind, soare the foreign teachers. I have got much assistance from them. For example, they showed me how to correct homework, how to communicate with students, how to use the devices, etc. The new students here are all cute and smart except for some naughty boys. However, it’s fine. Since they are teenagers, and they will be, I’m sure, sensible and responsible in their adulthood. My workload here is dependent on which date it is. Friday is the busiest day among the whole week because the student have the weekly test on Friday, which mean I have to finish correcting the exam paper by the following Monday. I have learnt the truth from my one month internship. For example, it’s hard for me to earn money to feed myself and it’s more difficult for my parents to earn money to feed the whole family. I think I can make allowance for my parents as well as other workers. What’s more, everyone should be responsible for his job. Since the exam scoresaresent to the students’ parents via text message every week, I have to correct the paper very carefully to avoid any mistakes on the grades. One tiny mistake may lead to a grievous result and no one can be responsible for the mistake but myself. These qualities such as responsibility, carefulness and hardworking are also the vital and necessary quality for my future careers. I have learnt a great deal of practical experience from one-month-long internship and I’m sure I will do other job better in the future with these invaluable experiences. 实习评语: The student named Harry, acting as a teaching assistant, worked for a month in our school. I appreciate the efforts he has made. He works hard and has a strong sense of responsibility. His motivation, good team-work spirit and helpfulness receive positive comments from many teachers. I honestly hope the student can continuously participate in a great variety of social activities, endeavoring to apply the theoretical learning into the practical work.Jacky周梦瑶-NCUK第三季美国班毕业生,通过一年的USPP项目学习,以优异的成绩考入美国犹他大学就读本科大二。实习感言自从五月份大学毕业后,我一直休息在家,一边准备着申请研究生的事,一边也想着找份实习工作,既能打发时间,也能锻炼自身能力。很巧地,预科学校给了我这样的机会。 在学校实习的一个月里,我主要是帮着杨老师做一些翻译之类的签证准备工作。能为即将出国的学弟学妹们提供一些微小的帮助,我是觉得非常开心的。学校的环境非常好,老师和同学们也很友好。因为暑期还在上课的原因学习氛围十分浓厚,以及上下班打卡学校对于实习生的管理与正式员工并没有什么两样,这些都让我自身也认真严谨了起来。我有着一个独立的办公桌,没有什么工作的时候我能够做自己的事,比起我放假整天在家睡觉上网,实在是有意义的多。爸妈对于我来学校实习也是特别支持和放心。 虽然来学校实习只是短短一个月的时间,但我确实是收获良多。最重要的就是规律了我的生活,让我不至于在漫长的暑假中养得懒散没了形,对我紧接着的学习生活起了非常重要的作用。实习评语: 梦瑶同学是一个非常细心认真的小姑娘。每次交给她的任务,她都能很出色的有效率地完成,而且不会出现任何失误。她的到来,为我繁忙的工作减轻了不少的负担。非常感谢她这一个月的实习! Cathy