Experts have provided valid suggestions for the hesitating mums:
1. 必须有好的公婆,要么出钱,要么出力,既不出钱又不出力,那就别异想天开。
Mums must have nice parents-in-law to support them financially or time wise. If you have neither above, haveing a second child is not a good idea.
2. 必须有靠谱的老公,上进,心疼你的付出,不嫌弃你的衰老!
Mums must have reliable husbands, who want you to move forward and appreciate your endeavors. They don’t discard you because you are aging.
3. 必须有能够让你任性的钱!
Mums must have money to indulge both themselves and their children.
满足以上三点你就可以安心放心宽心的生二胎,否则你就做好把自己锻炼成女汉子的准备,随时患产后抑郁的可能和家庭破碎的准备吧! 这年头生孩子就是:妈妈生,外婆养,爷爷奶奶来观赏,爸爸回家只上网,不是陌陌就微信,不说单身就离婚!这年头当妈不易啊! 孩他爹潇洒的跟单身小伙似的!自己却头发每天乱得跟鸟儿窝似的,洗完脸抹个油儿跟打仗似的,吃个饭速度快得跟冲锋似的,上个厕所耳朵竖得跟雷达似的,给娃买东西跟不要钱似的,带娃出门就跟搬家似的,头发掉的跟案发现场似的,睡个懒觉跟过年似的,智商低的跟鸭蛋似的,高跟儿鞋纯粹跟摆设似的,一柜子衣服瘦的都跟不是自己个儿的似的,同意的顶起,默默飘过的都是后妈!
If you have meet the above three requirements, you can have peace of mind when having a second baby. If not, you'll have to toughen up and become, as the Chinese has it, a ‘Nü hanzi’. Prepare yourselves for the depression and divorce scenarios. Nowadays, having a baby actually goes something like this: mum gives birth to the baby; maternal grandma cares for the baby; parental grandparents enjoy the baby; dad comes home and dives into internet for social networking websites like Immomo and Wechat. It is hard work to be a mum. Dad lives like a single and free man. Whereas a mum wears bird's nest every morning, washes up and applies cream like a solider, eats food so fast as if fighting in a war zone and goes to toilet with her ears standing up like a radar; a mum buys for baby as if she is not spending actual money and takes the baby out as if moving home; mum's hair falls off like a crime scene; sleeping in is as luxury as celebrating Spring Festival; her IQ is as low as the number in the shape of a duck egg; high heels are for decoration only; a whole closet of clothes are too tight as if they belong to other people.
分析的太透彻了,一个真的足够了,每个婆婆都希望儿媳生二胎,可有理解过她们的感受吗,有段话说 “想想生完一胎时,有多少家的丈夫和婆婆对妈妈们心存感念,丢工作的是你,养孩子的是你,和婆婆吵架不孝顺的是你,孩子带不好错的还是你,这样你还想生二胎吗?
It may sound like mourning mums. But it is the mum who loses her job; who cares for the baby; who is regarded as disobedient if she has a disagreement with mother-in-law; who is blamed if something is wrong with the baby. As the people who make the most effort for the babies, how can mums make the right choices?
To some extent, what we have stated are extreme circumstances. However, I believe Chinese mums would have similar thoughts and feelings, especially those without the help of their mother-in-laws. To have a second baby in China or not, that depends on what you expect your life to be like.
by Dorothy /英译 (原文来自网络资料)