GO GLOBAL | 世界是你的舞台
我们的活动具有很强的互动性,涉及的内容丰富有趣。作为ambassador之一,当听到参会人员兴奋地说"this is a very interesting session"的时候,心里很有成就感呢!”
—— Go Global学生大使Betty, 华威大学MSc Intercultural Communications for Business & the Professions (ICBP)学生
活动场地(伦敦的Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre)
正在与UKCISA代表讨论活动内容的Prof. Helen Spencer-Oatey (右二) 和 Dr. Daniel Dauber (右一)。 两位老师都来自华威大学Centre for Applied Linguistics (CAL), 在活动开场时展示了他们最新的研究成果
会前由学校International Office选拔的Go Global ambassadors. CAL(应用语言学学院)的学生也积极参与其中
正在热烈讨论中的Go Global ambassadors 和 global leaders of international education
The Warwick Go Global student ambassadors from Britain, Brazil, Vietnam, China, Switzerland, Germany, Finland and many more countries were incredibly impressive and articulate and the feedback I received afterwards about them was very complimentary. Delegates seemed to really appreciate the opportunity to get the student perspective on the issue of integration and the development of global skills.
-- Claire O'Leary
International Office
Go Global is a joint initiative by the Students Union and International Office. Its aim is to signpost opportunities to have global experiences both by going abroad, but as well here on Warwick Campus.
Gaining experiences abroad or in an international environment is important as in today’s global workplace you will constantly be required to collaborate with people from different cultures as well as to navigate culturally different environments. You have the opportunity now to acquire the skills you need: communication skills, resilience, openness to others and more.
Also: Looking beyond your own horizon, learning about others and their view on the world and trying new things is fun! It will shape your personality; give you confidence and an understanding of your surroundings like very few things can.
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