英国护照办公室被取消 由内政部接管

2014年09月29日 英国移民观察

英国护照办公室部门从10月份起将被废除,由内政部接管直接由内政部长负责管理。英国内政大臣梅女士(Theresa May)上周五在议会宣布了对英国护照办公室的这个处理决定,主要源于今年夏季约50万名旅客的护照办理延期失误事件。护照办公室的执行长官,Paul Pugh没有管理好部门,积压了成千上万份护照申请,因此他已经被革职。


UK passport office to be abolished

By Helen Warrell, Public Policy Correspondent

The passport office is to be brought into the Home Office and made directly accountable to ministers, after a chaotic summer of delays in which the backlog of applications from British travellers exceeded half a million.

Theresa May, home secretary, announced on Friday that from October HM passport office will cease to be an executive agency. The current chief executive, Paul Pugh, has in effect been sacked and will only remain in his role until a new director-general is appointed.

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