Looking for the perfect destination for your second honeymoon? Then look no further because I’ve got the list of some of the best second honeymoon destinations. Taking a second honeymoon isn’t only a fabulous way to reconnect and rekindle romance, but it’s also an excellent excuse to treat yourself and your partner to the ultimate escape. Here are a few fantastic second honeymoon destinations to consider. Spice up your romantic life by going on your second honeymoon, you won’t regret it. 你是不是正在寻找二度蜜月最完美的目的地?不用再发愁了,因为我列出了二度蜜月最佳去处名单。二度蜜月不仅是增进感情,重燃爱火的好方法,也是让你和爱人暂时离开繁忙的生活,放松休闲的好借口。下面这些精彩绝伦的二度蜜月目的地值得你考虑。让它们为你的浪漫生活增添一抹色彩,你不会后悔。 1. Lyon, France 1.法国里昂 You might be surprised to see Lyon on the list of the best second honeymoon destinations, but it’s actually a beautiful place for couples. Paris is also beautiful, but it’s quite rushed and swamped with tourists, even during the cold winter months. The third biggest city in France, Lyon celebrates the Festival of Lights every 8th of December. This is a celebration of gratitude to the Blessed Virgin Mary who saved the city from a plague during the Middle Ages. If you are not planning to visit Lyon in winter, don’t worry, there are many wonderful things to see and to do in Lyon. Just don’t forget to try the well-known Lyonnaise cuisine. 看到里昂位居二度蜜月胜地之列首位你可能会觉得惊讶,但是对情侣来说这确实是一个美丽的地方。巴黎也非常漂亮,但是生活节奏太快,而且游客太多,甚至在寒冷的冬季也是如此。作为法国第三大城市,里昂于每年12月8日庆祝灯节,这个节日是为了感恩圣母玛丽于中世纪保护这座城市免受瘟疫侵袭。只要你不打算在冬季来里昂,那就不要担心,里昂有许多漂亮的景色,也有很多好玩的活动。不要忘了尝试一下著名的里昂式内脏肠。 2. Ibiza, Spain 2.西班牙伊维萨岛 Ibiza has something to offer everyone, especially couples. Just imagine lying on the gorgeous beach holding hands with your sweetheart. Breathtakingly beautiful sunsets are a big part of what keeps couples coming back year after year. Enjoy your second honeymoon and have lots of fun with your partner! You two deserve it! 伊维萨岛让很多人流连忘返,特别是情侣。只要想象一下跟爱人手牵着手躺在美丽的沙滩上,就知道有多惬意!华丽壮观的落日美景吸引很多情侣年复一年地来到这个地方。享受第二次蜜月,欢度二人世界,您值得拥有! 3. Prague, Czech Republic 3.捷克布拉格 Just look at the picture and you will understand why Prague is a fascinating second honeymoon destination. The picturesque city has many sights, luxury hotels as well as a great number of romantic restaurants to enjoy excellent cuisine with your partner. Prague is a living and breathing city of everything gothic and baroque. 看一下照片,您就会明白为何布拉格是一个引人入胜的二度蜜月目的地。这个风景如画的城市有很多美丽的景点,奢华的酒店,还有很多浪漫的餐厅,让您和伴侣享受珍馐美味。布拉格是一个充满活力,栩栩如生的城市,一切都具有哥特式和巴洛克式风格。 4. Bagan, Myanmar 4.缅甸蒲甘 Bagan boasts plenty of magnificent pagodas. It’s a great place to spend years with your sweetheart. Enjoy the breathtaking view of all these pagodas, temples and stupas from the Nanmyint Viewing Tower, or consider doing an aerial view in a hot air balloon. Bagan is especially beautiful at sunset! 蒲甘拥有许多恢弘壮丽的佛塔,是一个可以跟爱人共度浪漫岁月的好地方,从南明观光塔上可以欣赏这些佛塔,寺庙,舍利塔等令人叹为观止的景色,或者考虑乘坐热气球来观光。落日余晖下的蒲甘非常美丽壮观! 5. Maui, Hawaii 5.夏威夷毛伊岛 Maui is well-known for its captivating white sandy beaches, warm and diverse Hawaiian culture and a vibrant nightlife; to say nothing of the breathtaking view of the sunset. With volcanoes to tour, trails to hike and jungles to explore, Maui is the perfect destination to stretch your married legs. The best times to visit Maui are September through November and April through May. So start planning your second honeymoon right now. 毛伊岛以迷人的白色沙滩著称,还有温暖而多样化的夏威夷文化和生机勃勃的夜生活,更不用说慑人心魄的日落美景,一切都让人乐不思蜀。供游览的火山,徒步旅行的小道,以及供探索的丛林等等一应俱全,毛伊岛是增进婚后感情的完美选择。前往毛伊岛的最佳时间是9月至11月,4月至5月。现在就开始计划您的二度蜜月吧! 6. Petra, Jordan 6.约旦佩特拉 While Petra isn’t as romantic as Maui, for instance, it’s incredibly interesting place for your second honeymoon. Petra is an archaeological and historical city, perfect for learning and discovery. It’s Jordan’s most valuable treasure and biggest tourist attraction. There are many places to explore so make sure you and your partner wear comfortable walking shoes, sun hats, and always carry plenty of drinking water to stay hydrated and energized. If you are planning to take photos, the best times to see Petra are early to mid-morning and late afternoon, when the angled sun enhances and highlights the natural colors of the rocks. 虽然佩特拉不像很多地方那么浪漫,比如毛伊岛,然而,对于二度蜜月来说它也是一个非常有趣的地方。佩特拉是一座考古和历史名城,是完美的学习和探索之处。它是约旦最宝贵的财富和最大的旅游景点。这里有很多地方可以探索。所以您和伴侣一定要带上舒适的步行鞋,太阳帽,以及足够的饮用水以便保持水分和能量。如果您打算拍照留念,清早或傍晚的风光是最好的,那时候倾斜的阳光可以增强并突出岩石的自然色彩。 7. Venice, Italy 7.意大利威尼斯 Venice is the city of beautiful canals, gondolas and excellent Italian cooking. While this honeymoon destination isn’t cheap, it’s worth your money. Just imagine being in a gondola with your sweetheart while the gondolier breaks into a romantic Italian song as he rows past the narrow Venice canals. This enchanting city is ideal for your second honeymoon. 威尼斯以美丽的运河,冈朵拉小船以及一流的意大利美食著称,虽然这个蜜月胜地比较昂贵,但物有所值。想像一下您和爱人乘坐冈朵拉泛舟河上,船夫一边划船穿越狭窄的威尼斯运河,一边唱起浪漫的意大利歌曲。这个令人心旷神怡的城市是二度蜜月的理想选择! 8. Crete, Greece 8.希腊克里特岛 Crete offers varied experiences, from beach bum lazing to jungle adventures. This Greek island boasts gorgeous sandy beaches which hide among majestic mountains, breathtaking palm-tree forests which grow in the middle of sprawling plains, and vibrant modern cities which share coastline with spectacular ancient ruins. 克里特岛给游客提供丰富多彩的经历,从徜徉海滩到丛林探险。这个希腊岛屿有着隐藏在雄伟的山脉之中的广阔无垠的沙滩,广阔的平原上茁壮成长的震撼人心的棕榈树林,还有着与古代废墟共享海岸线,相得益彰的充满活力的现代化城市。 9. Seychelles 9.塞舌尔 If you are ready to splurge on your second honeymoon, consider visiting Seychelles. The secluded islands of Seychelles are known for their breathtakingly beautiful beach scenes and luxury seaside retreats. This destination is rather expensive, but with porcelain sands, aqua waves, swaying palms and large boulders, it is really worth the money. However, if you plan your second honeymoon for November or April, you will save on travel expenses. Just make sure you plan a few months in advance. 如果您准备尽情享受二度蜜月,考虑一下塞舌尔吧!美丽壮观的沙滩美景和奢华的海边别墅使这些与世隔绝的幽静岛屿闻名遐迩。这个景点相当昂贵,但是陶瓷一般细腻的沙子,浅绿色的浪花,摇曳的棕榈树以及硕大的卵石,会让你觉得物有所值。然而,如果您计划11月或4月二度蜜月,您就可以省下一大笔费用,只要提前几个月计划就好了。 10. Kauai, Hawaii 10.夏威夷考爱岛 This beautiful Hawaiian island boasts great private villas on secluded beaches, which make for an ideal honeymoon. If you and your partner are an adventurous couple, you can kayak down the Wailua River, hike through the Na Pali Coast, or explore Waimea Canyon. While you might need a good pair of hiking boots and an adventurous spirit to visit Kauai, you might also need more money, especially if you visit it in winter. To save your hard-earned money, consider visiting Kauai in fall. 这个美丽的夏威夷岛屿沙滩上坐落着奢华的私人别墅,使它成为一个理想的蜜月胜地。如果您跟您的伴侣喜爱冒险,你们可以乘坐独木舟畅游威陆亚河,步行穿越纳帕利海岸,或者探索威美峡谷,不过来考爱岛您可能需要带上一双舒适的登山鞋,还要有冒险精神,多准备一些钱,尤其是在冬季。为了节省您辛苦赚来的钱,考虑一下秋天来这里旅游吧! I think a second honeymoon is a must in any relationship. It’s a wonderful opportunity to relax, have fun and spend some quality time with your partner. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to travel and to see some new places. Are you planning a second honeymoon? What’s your favorite second honeymoon destination? 我觉得对于任何一段恋情来说,二度蜜月都是必须的。这是放松,休闲和与伴侣共度美好时光的绝佳机会。此外,这也是旅游,欣赏更多新的风光的好机会。您在计划二度蜜月吗?你最喜欢的二度蜜月目的地在哪里?
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