
2014年09月23日 阿尔斯特伦敦伯明翰校区



Alright? – Hello. How are you? 你好

Hiya, Aye up – These informal greetings both mean Hello and are especially popular in the north of England. The aye is pronounced like the letter A。这两种非正式的打招呼用法,都是"你好"的意思,在英格兰北部非常流行。其中"aye"发音与字母"A"同。

Howay – Let's go or Come on. 走吧

Ta – Thank you 谢谢

Cheers – This is usually said as a toast when you raise your glasses to celebrate, but it also means Thank you。这个词通常在举杯祝酒的时候说,但也可以表示谢谢,而且真的很常用。

Lovely-就是一个口头形容词,多使用在当服务员帮你打包好后递给你时,可以微笑的说一句, Lovely, thank you.


Bairn – Baby or young child 小孩子

Lad – Boy 男孩

Lass, Lassie – Girl 女孩

Bloke, Chap – Man 男人

Mate, Pal – Friend 朋友、伙计

Our kid – My brother or my sister 我的兄弟或姐妹



Do – Party. You would go to a do if you were going to a party in the UK。派对、聚会。在英国,参加派对就是"go to a do"。

BYOB – Bring your own bottle. In the UK, it is common for the party host to ask guests to bring their own drinks. You might see BYOB written on the invitation。自带酒水。在英国,派对的组织者通常会让客人自带酒水,你可能在请帖上看到BYOB这个词。

Cuppa – Cup of tea 一杯茶

Pissed – Americans may think this means upset. But in the UK it is the equivalent of being drunk。美国人可能认为这个词表示心烦不高兴,但在英国这个词是喝醉了的意思。E.g., "Is he pissed?"他是不是喝醉了?

Fancy – To find someone attractive 觉得某人迷人。E.g., "He just smiled. I think he fancies you!"他刚笑了。我觉得他喜欢你。

Ask out – To ask someone if they want to go on a date 邀请某人外出约会。E.g., "He asked me out! We're going to the cinema this Friday." 他约我了!我们周五要去看电影。

Chat up – To flirt with someone 和某人调情。E.g., "He was chatting me up at the party."派对上他一直在跟我搭讪。

Snog – To kiss passionately 热吻。E.g., "My dad and mum were snogging at their anniversary party. I didn't know where to look."爸妈在结婚周年纪念上热吻,我都不知道该往哪儿看了。

Chin-wag – Talk or gossip with friends 和朋友闲聊、八卦。E.g., "Fancy a chin-wag?"想聊聊吗?


Quid – Equal to £1. The word doesn't change in the plural, so £50 is fifty quid。一英镑。这个词没有复数形式,所以50英镑就是fifty quid。

Skint, Broke – Poor or lacking money 很穷、没钱。E.g. "I can't come to the restaurant as I'm skint this week."我不能下馆子,本周是穷光蛋一个。

Minted, Rolling in it – Rich 有钱。E.g. "It was my birthday last week and I got some money off my family, so I am minted now!"上周我过生日,家里人给了些钱,我现在发达了。

Splashing out – Spending a lot of money 花大笔钱。

That's as cheap as chips – That is very cheap 非常便宜。

That costs a bomb – That is too expensive 太贵了。

That's a rip-off – That is not worth the price 抢钱呢吧。

Cough up! – Pay your share of the bill! 快掏钱付你自己那份账单!


Brolly – Umbrella 雨伞。

Telly – Television. Some people also say "What's on the box?" to mean "What's on TV?"电视。一些人也说"What's on the box?",表示电视上在演什么。

Loo – Toilet 厕所。

Mobile – Mobile telephone. It is unusual to say cellphone in the UK。手机。在英国说cellphone会很奇怪。


Cool– 港片里的“酷”啊,在英国用得实在多。

Ace – 就是牛X的意思啊。 Eg. She is an ace dancer. 她是个很牛的舞者。或者直接说ace (!),意思为等同为Excellent!Wonderful!

Bloody – 英国英语里最有用的脏话。多用于表达惊讶之情,如bloody hell(该死、见鬼、我的天)。某事物可以是bloody marvelous(超赞的),也可以是bloody awful(糟糕透了)。它还以用来强调几乎任何事情,如you're bloody mad(你简直疯了)、not bloody likely(没门儿)。

在英国,你可能会听见人们使用俚语用法的well、dead、mega来代替very或者really。如It was dead good(棒极了),或That exam was well difficult。(考试好难。)



首先可以询问对方”Are you a football fan?” ,在得到肯定回答后可以表明自己的球迷身份,可以说“I’m an Arsenal fan!”或者用一些俱乐部球迷的专用名称,如阿森纳球迷可以说“I’m a Gooner!”利物浦球迷可以说“I’m a KOP!”

接下来可以谈论最近的一些热门比赛或者热门事件,同时注意要用到一些特殊的足球用语。Arsenal ground out a valuable point against Manchester United at Emirates Stadium yesterday.阿森纳昨天在酋长球场主场迎战曼联夺取了宝贵的1分。

Ground out 是指煞费苦心、付出很多努力得到,比如:At the end, he ground out the enormous "Biography of George Washington".最后,他苦心经营总算写成卷帙浩繁的《华盛顿传》。在这里是指阿森纳取得1分非常不容易!

At the end, both sides seemed relatively happy with a draw. 比赛最后,双方对平局的结果还比较满意。


Olivier Giroud received a straight red card.奥利佛·吉鲁直接被红牌罚下。

如果想表达哪个球员进球了? Sb. scored a goal.这种说法很地道,但是进球的说法多种多样,如 The home side snatched the lead after only two minutes through Theo Walcott.西奥·沃尔科特在开场两分钟的进球使主队迅速取得了领先的优势。


但判罚点球的决定权在裁判手里,所以有时候看比赛时你不禁会问到:ls that going to be a penalty? That definitely should be a penalty! 会判罚点球么?这次肯定要判罚点球了!



It tasted good/nice – 味道真的不错。

It tastes awful – 难吃死了!

It's too sweet/salty/sour/spicy –太甜/咸/酸/辣了!

It's yummy – 真好吃!

It's yucky – 真难吃!

It's tasteless – 没滋没味。

Just one more bite – 再多吃一口。

I lost my appetite – 我没胃口了。





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