English Customs – Social!
Time 时间
Time is very Important in England.时间在英国是非常重要的
For Meetings or appointments with professionals (Doctors, Lawyer etc.) you should never be late. 与专业人士开会或约会(医生、律师等)你永远不可以迟到。
For Public Events like movies, sports, concerts etc. you should arrive a few minutes early. 公众事件如电影、体育、音乐会等。你应该提前到场。
If you are invited to someone's house for dinner you should arrive around 10 minutes later than the time agreed, it would be considered rude to arrive early or on time!
Invitations 邀请
If an English person says:-
“Drop in anytime” or “Come and See me soon” 如果有个英国人说:“任何时间都能来”或“过会来看我”
It IS NOT an invitation, it is just a pleasant exchange. You should always phone before turning up at someone‘s house. 这不是邀请你,只是一句寒暄(就像中国人说“吃了吗?”其实并不是邀请你吃饭一样),你还是应该在去之前打电话给别人。
Never accept an invitation, unless you really plan to go, it is OK to refuse politely. If after accepting you find that you cannot attend. Contact the person ASAP to apologise.不要轻易接受邀请,除非你真的打算去,这无所谓很客气的拒绝的。如果你发现接受邀请后不能参加,必须第一时间向对方道歉。
Although a gift is not necessary, it is polite to bring along a small item. These should be flowers, wine or chocolates. A thank you note or a phone call a few days after the dinner is considered polite.尽管一份礼物不是必须的,但是还应该准备一些小礼品。比如花、酒或是巧克力。然后在饭后几天打一个电话给主人表示感谢是礼貌的行为。
Do’s & Don‘ts可以做和不可以做的
English people believe Politeness is very important. Being Polite shows a good education and a good upbringing from your family.英国人相信礼貌是很重要的。良好的礼貌是接受过良好教育和有好家教的表现。
Greetings 问候
When greeting someone you should say:-当问候某人时你应该说:
“Hello” , “Hi” or “Good Morning” “哈罗,嗨或早上好”
In some areas of England you may be greeted by some strange terms, this are all polite and are not meant to offend. They include:-在某些英国地区,你也许会接受到一些奇怪的问候,这些并不是粗鲁的。
“Flower” , “Chuck” , “Me Duck”, “Mate”, “Son”, “Treacle”or “Dearie”
Do not greet people with a kiss. This is reserved only for very close friends or relatives.不要用亲吻来问候别人。这种方式只用与很亲密的朋友之间
Shaking hands is normal – particularly with men, you will be expected to give a firm grip, with women you should be more gentle when shaking hands.握手比较通常-特别是男人之间,别人期待你给他一个坚实的紧握,但与女士时最好显得绅士些。
Do’s 应该做的事
Stand In Line (Queue) 排队等候
Say “Excuse me”说“抱歉”
Pay as you Go. 先结帐后享用
Say “Please” and “Thank-you” 说“请”和“谢谢”
Cover your mouth 捂住你的嘴
Say “Sorry”
Don’t 不要做的事
Talk Loudly in Public 大声在公共场所说话
Spit in Public 在公共场所吐痰
Burp or Pass Wind in Public! 在公共场所放屁
Speak with your mouth full of food 说话时口中有食物
Pick you nose in public! 抠鼻子
Stare at people! 盯着别人看
Ask people personal questions – how much they weigh?打探别人隐私-体重
- how old they are? 年龄
how much money they earn etc. 收入