
2015年05月07日 伦敦艺术大学北京招生代表处

Penelope Wilton won Best Actress for her role in Taken at Midnight at the Theatre Royal Haymarket. She gave a harrowing and steely performance as a mother fighting for her incarcerated son in Nazi Germany.

John Dagleish was named Best Actor in a Musical for his portrayal of The Kinks frontman Ray Davies. He played Davies in Edward Hall’s production of Sunny Afternoon.

Alumnus Ronan Bell was also nominated for Best Actor in a Supporting Role in a Musical, for the part he played in Memphis the Musical at the Shaftesbury Theatre.

Since their inauguration in 1976, the Olivier Awards have been known as a mark of theatrical greatness. The winners are chosen by a mixture of distinguished industry professionals, theatre luminaries and members of the public.

Penelope Wilton因其在丹麦皇家剧院上演的“在午夜”的角色获得最佳女演员奖。她演绎一个悲惨的坚毅的母亲,一直为她监禁在纳粹德国的儿子抗争。

John Dagleish在音乐剧中饰演The Kinks乐队主唱Ray Davies而提名为最佳男演员奖。在Edward Hall出品的影片“在阳光明媚的下午”,他饰演其中的Davies。

校友Ronan Bell还提名最佳音乐剧配角,因为他在沙夫茨伯里剧院的音乐剧“孟菲斯”中的表演。



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