
2015年08月06日 英国留学申请




一、 个人陈述(PS)

  • PS内容是重点,必须按官网要求的内容来写。KCL非常强调PS的针对性,学生必须在PS中明确陈述为什么要选择读KCL的课程,而不是一味罗列自己优秀的学业背景。也就是说必须是一封有针对性的PS,而不是General的文书。KCL对PS的看重超过了国内院校的排名和成绩均分。

  • PS限制在500字以内,对于字数超过500的,一律拒掉,无论学生条件如何优秀。建议所有专业的PS篇幅都限500字,学校老师时间有限无法阅读长篇的PS。

  • 对于PS当中,出现把学校、专业名字写错的,一律拒掉,无论学生条件多好。

  • 学校老师不太喜欢看到KCL简称,而喜欢学生用King's College,请在PS中注意名称。

二、 Writing Sample

  • Media和Culture相关专业的申请必须提交完整的材料,包括writing sample。Writing sample要求字数在2000~4000字。很多学生在没有完成writing sample的情况下直接递交,学校不会对这类申请做决定。当学生得到通知再递交writing sample, 整个审理又需要从头开始排队,反而耽搁时间。

  • 招生官非常看重ESSAY,主要由ESSAY决定是否录取,录取率很低。1500份申请,录120个,其中40%是中国学生。



  1. Please describe your short term (3 year) career goals (please do not exceed 200 words).

  2. Please outline the challenges you think you will face in achieving these short term career goals and how you will overcome them (please do not exceed 200 words).

  3. Please describe your long term career goals or, if these are not clear, please outline the roles and industry sectors that are of particular interest to you and why (please do not exceed 200 words).

  4. What skills do you think are important in the career that interests you, how would you demonstrate that you have been developing these skills so far (please do not exceed 300 words)?

有人申请被拒询问学校拒绝理由后,学校回复说:Unfortunately in your case, the selectors felt that your answers to the Career Questions did not articulate strong enough evidence of your goals, planning, industry research or an understanding of how you intend to position yourself in the job market after graduating. 可以说,好学校不乏优秀的申请者,学校设置了这个环节,也给了大家一个脱颖而出的机会,所以在写essay前一定要先看清楚学校对于这几个问题的解释和提示,然后做好行业调查,这样才能写出符合IC要求的文书。



This should be around 500 words in length, and answer the following:

  1. Why have you selected this course? What are your motivating factors?

  2. What are your areas of interest within the course?

  3. What contributions do you feel you can make to the course?

  4. How do you see the course affecting your career plans?

  5. What evidence of research or reading in this area can you show?

The relevant section of the application form will accept up to 4,600 characters, including spaces, or you can upload your statement as a separate document, attached to your online application.



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