Natural Digestion

2015年10月23日 新西兰好健康

There are various times of year when women in particular, think about their body image – and losing a few kilos so they look and feel better. Weight loss supplements are often at the top of the list but what if there is a supplement that makes you feel better without losing weight?


Bloating, abdominal discomfort, flatulence (gas), constipation or diarrhoea is not only embarrassing, it can make us look and feel miserable and uncomfortable. When your body is in this state, it also makes it really difficult to lose weight because your body is not working efficiently.


In western natural medicine it is said that if our digestive system is healthy and runs smoothly then the rest of our body will be healthy too. The same is true for weight loss – if your digestive system is working more efficiently and you will be able to lose weight more easily. Digestive enzymes taken with every meal will help your body run more smoothly and efficiently help you feel better and healthier.


5 other tips to help with digestion;

1.Chew your food thoroughly (each mouthful about 30 times)

2.Eat sitting down in a relaxed environment

3.Avoid drinking with your meal as this slows down and dilutes the natural digestive process

4.Avoid eating foods that you know you don’t digest well. Eg. dairy products for some people.

5.Try to eat only healthy and fresh foods. Avoid junk foods and processed foods.







Good Health Natural Digestion is a broad spectrum natural digestive enzyme which helps your body digest a variety of different kinds of foods and also helps reduce symptoms of bloating, abdominal discomfort, gas, constipation and diarrhoea.

好健康的天然消化胶囊内含高效的天然消化酶,有效地帮助人体消化不同种类的食物,减少胃肠胀气、胃饱胀、腹痛 、腹泻和便秘的症状。

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