
2014年08月03日 澳洲雪梨视频

几年前在GJPW的Jason Guo手里买的homebush west的房子,小区名字叫Centenary Park. 当时自己对买房没有任何经验,任凭中介给我介绍了一个律师-city的Goh Lawyer.
当时settle的时候有一个费用是council rate,律师收了我900左右,说是开发商已经帮我交掉了,律师必须手了我的帮我还给开发商。由于首次购房,律师说什么信什么,自觉主动快速的把钱给了律师。未料到大半年以后受到council的法律文书,由于我拖欠council rate大半年,council已把我告上法庭。(中间还有一个插曲是,律师没有把我的所有bill地址改成我即将入住的这个自住房homebush west,而导致我所有的bill和警告信全部寄去了我之前的地址)。话说回来,我一直没有意识到律师没有帮我交council rate直到我突然发现我被council告了,而且马上影响我的credit信誉,还有一笔legal fee要我付。
和律师困难沟通就不说了,电话不接,email不回,总之他说不是他的错,他也不知道怎么回事。我问了一起买房的朋友和邻居,全部有这个问题(大家一定要去查一下自己的账,如果你不查,这个钱就是律师和中介黑掉了)。和律师沟通他能给的best offer就是我自己去council付掉欠款,他会reimburse我最初收我的钱,至于legal fee律师表示不管,至于我的credit信誉律师表示不管,至于扣住我钱大半年的利息,律师表示不可能给。
请问各位买房的该怎么办?我准备去Office of the Legal Services Commissioner告我的律师。(直接google这个机构)
上面有一条叫conduct complaint:professional misconduct(下面引用)
Professional misconduct is defined under the LPA 2004 as either "unsatisfactory professional conduct which involves a substantial or consistent failure to reach or maintain a reasonable standard or competence and diligence or conduct happening in connection with the practice of law or otherwise that would, if established, justify a finding that the practitioner is not a fit and proper person to engage in legal practice".

  • Conflicts of interest 律师和中介有联系,律师没有代表我purchaser的利益

  • Acting contrary to instructions

  • Misleading or dishonest conduct in or outside court

  • Misappropriation of trust money 就是所说的council rate不知去向

还有一条叫 consumer dispute(以下引用)

  • Delays

  • Costs

  • Poor communication or rudeness 就是电话不接,email不回,还直接在电话里超我吼了。。。 说他不会负责,这是我自己的问题。

  • Release of a client's documents or property (liens)

另外,由于我问了,这不是个案,所以根据 Office of the Legal Services Commissioner上写的:这个不是mere negligence,而是misconduct。(以下引用)
What is the difference between negligence and issues of misconduct? The Courts have made a careful distinction between instances of negligent conduct by legal practitioners and issues of misconduct by legal practitioners. Where a complainant has access to a civil remedy for the wrong that she or he alleges that legal practitioner has committed, a Court or the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) - Occupational Division will be reluctant to find the legal practitioner guilty of a conduct offence as well. To attract disciplinary consequences, the conduct must be proven to have gone beyond "mere carelessness'. What is required is something more than "mere negligence".

如果不是我开始学习law,我压根不会发现澳洲华人的律师操作这么混乱舞弊,大家凡是和这个物业,这个中介,这个律师沾上边的,赶紧查一下自己的账(可能不仅仅是council rate哦),如果需要去告律师的请给我留言,我看看有没有什么可以互相帮忙的。



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