
2014年09月18日 英国华威大学

OnSaturday 13 September 2014, WMG was pleased to welcome His Excellency Ma Kai,Vice Premier of China, along with a delegation of senior officials includingLiu Xiaoming, Chinese Ambassador to the UK, and Sir Sebastian Wood, Britain’sAmbassador to China.


Meetingwith Professor Lord Bhattacharyya, the Vice Premier and the Ambassadors wereinterested to understand more about WMG and how the Group develops partnershipswith industry and the significant economic benefits of such partnerships. Therewere also discussions on current WMG collaborations with China and how thesecan be further developed.


Thedelegation was excited to see the breadth of research undertaken at WMG,especially in lightweighting and energy. This was of particular interest toH.E. Ma Kai as this relates to his role leading economic development in Chinaand he was impressed with WMG’s collaborative research projects with industry.


TheVice Premier and the Ambassadors toured WMG’s facilities which included anintroduction to energy research from Dr Rohit Bhagat and Mark Amor-Segan at theEnergy Innovation Centre. At the International Manufacturing Centre, ProfessorDarek Ceglarek discussed innovations in digital manufacturing processes andProfessor Richard Dashwood and Neil Reynolds explained WMG’s research incomposites and lightweight materials.


ProfessorLord Bhattacharyya said:

I was delighted to host the Vice Premier, the Ambassadors and senior officialsand to be able to show the breadth of WMG activities. WMG has had a closerelationship with China since the 1980s, when we were one of the first to offerour programmes there. The Vice Premier was very knowledgeable and interested inWMG’s activities and he looked forward to further developing our collaborativeactivities with China."

LordBhattacharyya 教授说:


WMGhas strong and well-established links with various universities in China andhas trained more than 5,000 engineers and managers from various Chineseindustries and government. WMG was the only academic institution visited by theVice Premier during his time in the UK; he also visited Jaguar Land Rover afterhe left WMG. The Vice Premier was visiting the UK to take part in the sixthUK-China Economic and Financial Dialogue.

WMG与众多中国企业有着深入交流,并且帮助中国政府和众多企业培养了超过5000名程序员和管理者。WMG也是马凯副总理在他的访英之行中唯一造访的学术机构;在参观WMG结束后他还参观了Jaguar Land Rover(捷豹.路虎)公司。副总理此次英国之行的主要不低是参加第六届中英经济财经对话。

(新闻来源:WMG官网 译:Ting)

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