
2014年10月21日 澳洲雪梨视频




Question 4:What have your achievements been to date?


The intervieweris saying ‘Are you an achiever’?

A.: Again, this is a common question so beprepared. Select an achievement that iswork related and fairly recent. Identifythe skills you used in the achievement and quantify the benefit. For example, ‘my greatest achievement hasbeen to design and implement a new sales ledger computer system – bring it inahead of time and improve our debtors’ position significantly saving thecompany £50,000 per month in interest’

Question 5:What is the most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you tackleit?


The interviewer is really trying to find out what your definition ofdifficult is and whether you can show a logical approach to problem solvingusing your initiative.

A: This can be atrap! To avoid it, select a difficultwork situation which was not caused by you and which can be quickly explainedin a few sentences. Explain how youdefined the problem, what the options were, why you selected the one you didand what the outcome was. Always end ona positive note.

Question 6: How do you deal with conflictingdeadlines? Please give an example of one and how you overcame it? What was theoutcome?

这也是一个经常会在behaviour question 里出现的问题。面试官是想要了解他们需要你从事的工作中有没有什么是你性格中不喜欢的,或不适应的。同样,千万不要把它变成一个暴露你短处的问题。记住,面试是一个推销你自己的舞台,你自己的show, 不一定是真实的你,只要做好充分的准备,你就会有精彩的演出。

The intervieweris trying to find out whether the job on offer has responsibilities you willdislike or which will make you unsuitable.

A: Be careful with this one! Do not be too specific as you may drawattention to weaknesses which will leave you open to further problems. One approach is to choose a characteristic ofyour present company such as its size – its slow decision-making etc. Give your answer with the air of someone whotakes problems and frustrations in your stride as part of the job!

商家编号:021 类别:私人订制职业规划师

【C&H Global - 私人订制的职业规划师】

联系人:Vivien Huang


手机:0414 986 918





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