【看过来】 还在用托福托业成绩申请英国签证的你,这些重点知道么?

2014年07月11日 英国签证移民问答

根据移民局7月1日公布的Tier 4学生签证的指引,如果你还想使用托福托业成绩作为英国签证申请材料,请特别注意以下几点喔:

1. 如果是你是由英国的公立大学担保,来英国就读本科,及以上学位课程


2. 如果你是来就读由英国公立大学担保的本科以下的NQF LEVEL 3及以上的课程或者是不超过3个月的预备课程


3. 其他的情况




  • CIE

  • Cambridge English

  • Trinity College London 这3家机构代为组织进行的






以下是移民局公布的Tier 4学生签证指引原文摘录:

“For students applying outsidethe UK transitional arrangements have been introduced to cover the followingcircumstances. If a person has a TOEIC or TOEFL English language testadministered by ETS, this will be recognised as an approved test under AppendixO as it applied on 30 June if they have made an application for:

Ÿ leave to remain before 1 July2014

Ÿ entry clearance before 22 July2014

Ÿ entry clearance before 1 October2014, where;

- the relevant CASassigned by a sponsor which is a UK Recognised Body or a body in receipt ofpublic funding as a higher education institution from the Department forEmployment and Learning in Northern Ireland, the Higher Education FundingCouncil for England, the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, or theScottish Funding Council; and

- the course is apre-sessional course of no longer than three months’ duration, a foundationdegree or a foundation course awarded at a minimum of NQF Level 3 or awarded ona directly equivalent basis in the devolved administrations.

Transitional arrangements

To allow students time to adjustto these changes, we have introduced transitional arrangements to cover thefollowing circumstances. If a person has one of the above tests administered byCIE, Cambridge English or Trinity College London, it will be recognised as anapproved test under Appendix O as it applied on 16 July if they have made anapplication for:

Ÿ leave to remain before 31 July2014; or

Ÿ entry clearance before 21 August2014.

This change affects those relyingon an ETS, certificate in their visa application. It does not affect HigherEducation Institutions’ ability to choose their own method of assessing degreestudents’ English language competence. This means it will still be up to theuniversity to decide whether to accept an ETS, certificate as evidence of adegree student’s ability to speak English at the appropriate level, even if thetest is taken after the Immigration Rules change.”








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