温哥华岛大学(Vancouver Island University)是一所公立基础类大学,小班授课,学校创建于1969年,原名马拉斯比纳大学(Malaspina University College,或叫玛拉斯皮纳大学),2008年更名为温哥华岛大学。VIU可以授予学士学位,并与邻近的顶级名校英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)、维多利亚大学(VU)和西蒙弗雷泽大学(SFU)结有合作伙伴关系,多个专业的三、四年级学生可通过转学分转入这些名校深造,进而拿到名校颁发的学位。
温哥华岛大学坐落于世界著名的风景区加拿大BC省的温哥华岛。学校所在地纳奈莫(Nanaimo)属温哥华岛洲,靠近温哥华和维多利亚2个大都市。纳奈莫是一座风景优美的小镇:山峰、森林、海滩风景美丽如画,全年气候温和。课程设置:学校提供 MBA & Pre-MBA硕士学位课程、学士学位课程、证书文凭课程、职业技术课程、大学转学分课程。
入学条件:本科课程: 高中毕业,托福550分或IELTS 6.0以上(单科不低于5.5),可直接入读本科课程。针对于新斯科舍省高中学生应予满足C层次可以免雅思申请本科课程。
About Vancouver Island University
Known as a centre of excellence for teaching, applied research and learning, Vancouver Island University (VIU), a public post-secondary institution, is producing quality graduates that are in demand by employers across the country and around the world.
With roots that date back to 1936 when Nanaimo’s first vocational training school opened its doors, VIU shares a rich history and connectedness with its communities. It is this history and commitment to people that has provided VIU with a solid foundation on which we continue to grow.
VIU is a dynamic, internationally known university supporting a student population in excess of 16,000 full-time and part-time learners, including over 1,800 international students, 1,500 aboriginal students, and employing over 2,000 faculty and staff.
VIU operates four campuses including a main campus in Nanaimo and regional campuses in Duncan, Powell River and Parksville•Qualicum. VIU is also the proud owner of Milner Gardens and Woodlands in Qualicum Beach, recently named one of the top 10 public gardens in Canada.