Happy 50th Anniversary Warwick! 最美的年华献给最美的你 —— 华威大学50周年校庆活动
50th Anniversary Celebrations
Turning 50 in 2015 – Imagining the Future 畅想未来
An exciting programme of events and activities is being planned to mark the 50th anniversary of the University of Warwick during 2015. With the central theme of Imagining the Future, the activities planned for the anniversary year are both innovative and forward-looking and provide opportunities to:
celebrate our international research, presence, teaching and learning
showcase our campus
acknowledge our success, spirit and achievements
connect alumni and other stakeholders with each other and the University
create a legacy for the next 50 years, and beyond
Golden Festival of Music, Thursday 21st – Saturday 23rd May 2015
华威大学艺术中心届时将举办为期三天的音乐庆典。整个艺术中心都将装饰成金色的主题,配以奢华的装饰,你不仅可以享用美食,还能观看和参与免费的表演和娱乐活动,大部分表演来自学生社团和当地音乐家。每天表演结束后都会有派对,观众可以尽情狂欢,最后还将会有焰火表演。开幕当晚表演主题为Stars and Stripes Classical Extravaganza ,皇家爱乐乐团和华威大学学生也将共同带来20世纪北美经典作品。周五晚上的表演将汇集世界各地的音乐,周六晚上则是为学生和年轻群体打造的Goldfields: the best new music。
The Arts Centre will be transformed for a three-day musical celebration, with a programme with cross-generational appeal. The building will be dressed with a golden theme, luxurious decorations, a unique and exciting food and drink offer, alongside free performances and walk-about entertainers, drawing heavily on the talents of student groups and local musicians. Post-performance parties will take place each evening, with audiences encouraged to party into the night, and the event will be brought to a close with a spectacular firework/pyrotechnic display.
The opening night is confirmed as a Stars and Stripes Classical Extravaganza with a programme of 20th century North American classics from the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and featuring student contributions at the heart of the programme. The first part will feature the University’s student choirs and ensembles en masse, performing a medley of works from the American Song Book and from across Latin America. This incredible sight and sound will be followed by the RPO’s programme which will also feature the University Symphony Orchestra performing alongside professional players in a desk-sharing project.
Friday night will be a night of great music from around the world, and the event will culminate on Saturday evening with Goldfields: the best new music, which will be programmed to appeal to a student and young adult audience.
Festival of the Imagination, Friday 16th - Saturday 17th October 2015
这一活动将是大学校庆的核心活动,也将在艺术中心举行。届时将有一系列充满创意和张力的活动上演,包括脱口秀、互动、表演等等。学校将从知识、研究、教学、人物和校园五个方面展现华威大学取得的成就,并激发大家的创想力。此外,华威大学和切尔滕纳姆文化节Cheltenham Festivals达成战略合作伙伴。在去年年末的文学节上,华威大学赞助了四项头版活动,包括和2012年英国布克文学奖获奖者Hilary Mentel的对话以及现场讨论。在今年的爵士音乐节、科学节和音乐节上,华威将继续深入合作,你将在各大活动中看到我们的身影。
The Festival of the Imagination will be the centrepiece of the University of Warwick’s 50th anniversary celebrations. Taking place in and around Warwick Arts Centre, the Festival will feature a diverse, creative and attractive programme of events, talks, shows, interactive food demonstrations and discussions, alongside a food festival and street entertainment. The theme will be ‘Imagining the Future’.
To showcase the best of Warwick we will be aiming to spark imagination using the five senses to guide people around the Festival which will highlight; knowledge, research, teaching, people and campus. Spaces will be used creatively to allow interactivity, participation and access to a wide range of activities suitable for all ages and abilities. Lots of vibrant colour and sights and sounds will create a buzz around this area of the campus. Warwick’s unique partnership with Cheltenham Festivals will be at the fore, with Cheltenham programming a number of high-profile events over the two days, and promoting the Festival to its audiences.
International activity 国际庆祝活动
GRP activity will take place in the key locations of Singapore, Beijing/Hong Kong, Brussels, Venice and New York. Each event will be attended by the Vice-Chancellor and the majority will also include an alumni gathering.
#Warwick50# 今年是华威大学建校的五十周年,我们将在世界各地举行校庆 在华威的时光给你留下了哪些难忘的回忆?你有什么想对母校说的话么?快用文字、图片、视频等形式为母校献礼吧!微博添加标签#Warwick50# 并@ 我们,或者邮件请发送至[email protected],你的作品有可能出现在校庆活动中哦!