New Year is time when we particularly want to look and feel good and for some of us that can mean wanting to shed a few extra kilos. It can be confusing about what we should or shouldn’t do to lose weight.在新年里,我们都希望精神抖擞,体态优雅地出现在别人面前。而对一些人来说,需要摆脱掉身上多余的重量。在减肥前我们必须要清楚地知道哪些事情是可以做的,哪些是不可以做的。 Here are the Top 5 myths about weight loss 这里有5个减肥误区 Myth #1: You must eat breakfast first thing to jump start your metabolism误区1:起床后马上吃早点,迅速开启新陈代谢Fact: Eat sometime during the morning事实:合理安排早上的时间吃早餐Most of us wake early and do not necessarily feel like eating immediately because you’re not even hungry or have other things to do. You don’t have to jump start your metabolism by eating immediately –but the general rule is to eat before 10am or within three hours of waking. If you leave it too late in the morning to eat – you are more likely to overeat later in the day to compensate which can encourage weight gain.早起的我们通常不会马上肚子饿,所我们可以干别的事情先,是不需要起床后马上进食的。健康的规律是,早上10点前或起床后的三小内开始进食。如果太晚才开始进食和饥饿,那就可能代表您在前一个晚上吃得太晚和过量,这是促使体重增加的原因之一。 Myth #2: Eating fat makes you fat误区2: 吃脂肪长脂肪 Fact: Fats increase your sense of fullness 事实:吃脂肪增加饱腹感Fat is twice as fattening as carbohydrates and protein, but this doesn’t mean you should not eat them. Fat is really important for maintaining overall health and studies have shown that fat gives you a sense of fullness because it helps to keep you fuller for longer by slowing down digestion and how fast your stomach empties. Fats are needed by the body to make hormones, healthy cells and healthy brain function – it’s just about portion size and the right type of fat. Healthy fats are extra virgin olive oil, butter , coconut oil, flaxseed oil, avocados and fish. 虽然脂肪是碳水化合物和蛋白质的2倍速度的形成体内脂肪,但并不代表一点都不能吃。研究表明,脂肪能增加饱腹感,减缓消化速度,延迟饥饿时间,健康正确的选择脂肪对保养身体健康是非常重要的。身体的荷尔蒙,细胞和大脑功能的健康都需要脂肪来创造和维持。健康脂肪如:特级初榨橄榄油,黄油、椰子油、亚麻油、鳄梨和鱼。 Myth #3: Don’t eat desserts and sweets误区3: 千万不要吃甜食Fact: There’s no need to deprive yourself sweets 事实:没有必要完全剥夺甜食Depriving yourself often causes downfalls and you end up bingeing from deprivation. Eating a small square of dark chocolate daily is better than devouring a big bar in one sitting or sharing a dessert with your partner or friend when eating out: - you don’t have to eat a large portion just a taste to satisfy you! Don’t forget food is pleasurable so small treats can prevent you from overindulging, not to mention that there are so many healthy sweet treats available now.如果长时期完全剥夺甜食,有可能会导致减肥失败,严重者会暴饮暴食或得厌食症。每天吃一小块纯黑巧克力比一次性吃外食大餐和甜品好。您不需要吃很大一部分,吃一点点就能满足欲望。现在市场上有很多健康甜食产品,少吃些能有效防止纵欲。 Myth #4: Don’t diet— just exercise 误区4: 不需要节食,运动就可以了Fact: Exercising by itself is not enough 事实:只做运动是不足够的Unfortunately it is a dual effect. The odd overindulgence or large meal can be compensated for by a big workout session. Long-term weight loss is a combination of exercise and healthy diet. For example one glass of alcohol takes your body approximately three hours to burn off. 它们是需要相互结合和影响的。如是你是偶尔一次大餐,可以通过大量运动来消耗掉。但是需要长期减肥的亲们,必须要通过健康饮食和运动锻炼相结合。例如,一杯酒需要大约三小时的身体运动来燃烧掉。 Myth #5: Don’t snack - eat three times a day误区5:一天三餐,不要吃零食Fact: Eat when you want to maintain calorie intake 事实:可以吃,但是要注意热量的摄入For many it is not about how often you eat but the overall daily consumption of calories. You can eat three times a day or six times a day, as long as you have the same caloric intake. Everybody is different in regards to how they like to eat. Some people feel better eating 5-6 smaller meals a day whilst others prefer three meals a day. Whatever you prefer - the fact is about how many calories are consumed all up.您可以每天吃三次或六次,但是要注意每天消耗和摄取的热量值。每个人都有不同的生活习惯,有些人喜欢少食多餐,有些人喜欢一天三顿。不管哪种习惯,都必须要清楚消耗了多少卡路里。 If you need a helping hand to shed those extra kilo’s Good Health has a wide range of Weightloss products to suit everybody’s needs.如果您想要健康地摆脱多余的重量,好健康公司有多种减肥产品满足不同人的需求。Carbo blocker Stop