家庭日 长周末 情人节 浪漫魁北克
冬季狂欢节 + Tremblant 翠湖山 滑雪活动
戴着一顶红帽的雪人博纳(Bonhomme)是魁北克冬季嘉年华狂欢会的形象大使。报名热线: 416-840-7234 416-875-9889
第一天 ( Sat ) 一早出发, 下午到 达北美最古老的魁北克古城,此处是北美洲唯一 围有古城墙的城市﹐亦是法裔加拿大人聚居之处。也是当年英法殖民大战之爭夺重地﹔城內充满浓厚的欧陆色彩﹐尤以古城更甚。古炮臺﹑马车﹑古城墙﹑铜像广场﹑艺术画廊及卖艺技人...等等﹐构成一幅美丽的图画。置身其法式时装购物街或在餐厅享用法国大餐及红酒的同时﹔都能让您充份享受有小巴黎之称的魁北克浪 漫情怀,晚间观赏花车游行,夜住宿市內大酒店。
第二天 (Sun ) 参观魁北克冬季狂欢节, 这是狂欢节的最后一天,也是活动的最高潮。 尽情狂欢之后前往世界著名的“冰酒店”,欣赏鬼斧神工的杰作。然后乘车 去 Montreal, 住 市内豪华星级酒店,体验一下北美小巴黎的浪漫夜生活。
第三天 ( Mon ) 早餐后, 前往 Tremblant 山浪漫滑雪 , 喜欢滑雪的朋友可以尽情在雪场驰骋,不滑雪的朋友可以乘坐別具特色的登 山缆车直达加东最高峰之仙驼峰 (高3300英呎)。山顶云雾漂绕, 如虚如幻,有 如置身於人间仙境,欣赏翠湖山美丽景色。下午启程返回多伦多 。
上车时间地点:6:00am Mississauga China Town (888 Dundas st. E)
6:30am 222 Spadina ave. Toronto Downtown
7:00am Markham 8791 Woodbine Ave. Map
7:20am Fairview Mall(Don Mills subway station pick up zone) Map7:45am 3850 Sheppard Ave E, Walmart Sheppard / Kennedy Map
四人一房 $138, 三人一房 $168, 两人一房 $188,单人房 $278。另23%税。
报名电话: 416-840-7234 416-875-9889
冰酒店﹕遊覽世界著名的“冰酒店” ﹐參觀酒店內的冰雪大堂﹑冰酒吧﹑冰雕藝術館以及令人艷羨的結婚禮堂﹐還有各適其式的冰雪套房﹐定能令您嘆為觀止﹗(冰酒店由1月5日至3月29日展出)
冰雕展﹕盡情投入一年一度的魁北克國際冰雕嘉年華會﹐來自世界各地的冰雕高手施展渾身解數﹐爭奪“冰雕王” 的最高榮譽大獎﹐所有冰雕及雪雕藝術品均栩栩如生﹐可謂鬼斧神工﹐一生難得一見﹗
Ice Hotel: a temporary hotel made up of snow, sculpted blocks of ice, and, in some cases, some steel framing. They are promoted by their sponsors and have special features for the travelers who are interested in novelties and unusual environments, and thus are in the class of destination hotels. Their lobbies are often filled with ice sculptures, and food and drinks are specially chosen for the circumstances. (Ice Hotel is operate from Jan. 04 to March 29. If the itinerary will be changed, the company will not notice that seperately. )
Canivel Traditions:
Bonhomme’s Arrow Sash
The red outfits, the arrowhead sash, tests of strength and skill, Bonhomme’s image, and even a sip of ‘caribou’ are traditions that go all the way back to the origins of the Québec Winter Carnival, some even further back.
The arrowhead sash, inspired by the Amerindian culture, has remained a symbol in Quebecois society thanks to the Québec Carnival. In the 19th century, this belt was used to tie jackets at the waist to prevent the cold from creeping in. It also supported the kidneys in moments of physical effort. It was both a practical and fashionable accessory, worn by both the bourgeois and the peasants. The belt and the red hat, linked directly to Québec folklore, are today considered the primary elements of Bonhomme’s outfit.
The best way to warm is moving and dancing, and to put you in the mood, nothing works better than the long red trumpets carnival-goers toot all along the parade circuits. So dress in something red, tie your belt on and hold on to your hat, because in Québec City, the tradition is to party like crazy!
(1) Finch & Midland 第一广场 4168 Finch Ave. E. 顶层 PH18 M1S 5H6 416-840-7234 地图
(2) HW7 & Woodbine 8791 Woodbine Ave. Suite 204 L3R 0P4 416-840-9389 地图
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