
2016年01月26日 无忧小雅哥

A Task 2 Sample Essay

Nowadays online sources are more popular among people to get news. But some people think newspaper is always the important way to get news. Do you agree or disagree?

In times past, the newspaper was the only source of information and news, but as technology has advanced, so too has the way people get their news. However, despite technological advancements, some argue that print media is still as important as ever. I personally disagree completely, as newspapers are not timely and lack the ability to be updated. 
【以前,报纸是唯一获取新闻和信息的途径。但是如今,由于技术的更新,人们会有更多的途径和选择去了解新闻信息。作者是完全不同意报纸如今还和之前一样重要——因为报纸时效性差,并且无法及时更正内容。作者用的In times past,完全可以替代烤鸭们常用的ago, decades ago等等短语;as important as ever也是一个不错的短语。】

First of all, newspapers are simply not as timely as other sources of information. Given that material in a paper is printed in the morning, the information is typically from the day before, meaning any news from the current day is not included. Nowadays, news stories can spread across the globe in a matter of minutes, being shared via social media and the various reporting outlets. For instance, news about the terror attacks in Paris in late 2015 was widely reported in a matter of minutes. My wife quickly reached out to friends to see if they were okay, but it is easy to imagine how important it was for Parisians to be updated instantly. However, had a newspaper been the only source of information, news about the attacks would not have reached Australia or anywhere else so quickly. 
【首先,作者陈述introduction中提到的第一个观点——not timely。如果说一份报纸的印刷时间是早上,那么显然,及时的信息是无法包括在内的。这就显示出了报纸的时效性很低。但与其同时,其他新闻途径,类似于social media,几乎同一时间就能将新闻更新上网,让千千万万的读者及时了解。作者还使用了15年巴黎恐怖袭击的例子。网上的资源在事件发生的当下就能更新、传播,但若是普通的报纸,就会有所延误。作者论述的有理有据,说服力up up up!】

Additionally, while timeliness is an important concept, news stories change and require updating, and newspapers cannot be edited. One well know proverb states that to error is human, which means that making mistakes is simple a part of human nature. This is certainly true in the media, where new updates, findings or ideas may change how a story is presented. One famous example of this is from the United States in 1948, when a newspaper published the wrong winner of the presidential election. Day old newspaper cannot be edited, leaving those who read them misinformed. However, Internet sites can be updated quickly, television or radio reports redacted and corrected, or social media posts edited. 
【这段作者将要论述introduction中提到的第二个观点——lack the ability to be updated。在传媒业中,信息的更新、观点或着新发现的更新是时常会发生的。拿之前一个旧例来说,如果报纸印错了信息,是很难去更改的。但网络不同,它可以很快的更新错误的信息,电视或者广播,甚至社交网路,都能在第一时间更正错误的信息。这也是为什么报纸已经不如之前那么重要的原因之一。】

In conclusion, two important qualities in reporting the news are timeliness and accuracy. Newspapers have lost importance, as they simply do not provide the same level of those qualities as other news sources, and this is primarily due to the delayed presentation of information. 

全文一共两个观点,从introduction到conclusion都非常扣题,每个观 点都解析的非常清晰明了,考官也能一下子找到文章段落的主题。这就是一篇好的雅思作文所追求的——审题准确,逻辑清晰,用词易懂, 语法正确。7分没那么难,不需要去追求一些太过高深的写法。记住,用最简单的语言,写出最清晰的文章。That’s it!】


无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts

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