Coronado Island Film FestivalJan. 15-18. The Crown City hosts a film festival featuring new and classic films, workshops, panels and more. Disney’s Coast Guard thriller, The Finest Hours, will open the festival and the closing night picture will be 45 Years. Also enjoy a special bonfire with the screening of the iconic 1958 movie, Some Like It Hot. Various locations.coronadoislandfilmfest.comJan. 17-24. Enjoy fabulous dining for less when nearly 200 restaurants throughout the county offer prix-fixe, three-course meals. Visit website for participating restaurants. sandiegorestaurantweek.comJan. 16. The 6th annual San Diego Brew Fest returns to Liberty Station promising beer from more than 150 beers from 60 breweries, food trucks, music and more. $40/pp. 1-4 p.m. 2640 Historic Decatur Rd., Liberty Station. Martin Luther King Jr. Day ParadeJan. 17. Celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. at this annual waterfront parade along San Diego Bay. Enjoy an afternoon of bands, floats and drill teams as they march along the Embarcadero. downtown. “Hands On” with the San Diego SymphonyJan. 16. Enjoy the San Diego Symphony’s free open house as part of the Upright & Grand month-long celebration. Step into the concert hall for “hands on” piano fun and perform in front of friends and neighbors. Piano experts will teach all-level workshops focused on jazz piano, technology and more. Don’t miss the day’s grande finale—a monster piano demonstration of six pianos playing the same piece at the same time. Jacobs Music Center, 1245 Seventh Ave., downtown, 15498 Espola Rd., Poway, CA 92064友情加盟:中國國家京劇院著名乾旦演員劉錚,前廣州新時代影音公司簽約歌手劉婷地點:Black Mountain Middle School9353 Oviedo St., San Diego, CA 92129一年一度的聖地亞哥華夏中文學校春節游園會將在一月三十一日舉行!有吃有玩有戲看,場面紅火,人氣最旺,千萬不要錯過喲!歡迎商家租位、贊助。請洽:858-720-1110地址:10440 Black Mountain Road, San Diego, CA 92126 由中華藝術文化學會舉辦的“2016聖地亞哥國際音樂藝術節”(International Music & Art Festival),將於2016年2月20日(周六)在波威表演藝術中心( Poway Center for the Performing Art)舉行,演出項目包括鋼琴、長笛等管弦樂團、古箏、少林功夫、來自敦煌的世界頂級舞者,以及美國少年奧林匹克銅牌得主的體操表演等等,歡迎民眾索票入場。藝術展覽從傍晚6時開始,演出時間為下午7時,票價有分20元、25元,貴賓席100元,學生票15元,可上www.sdcartcultural.org網站購票或電:619-392-9069(Wendy Meng)、858-780-0768(Carolyn Yang)洽詢 。波威表演藝術中心地址:15498 Espola Road, Poway, CA 92064。第三屆美國華人青少年藝術節即將於2016年5月28日(週六)下午六點在鮑威演藝中心舉辦。新一屆藝術節將向觀眾展示更精彩、更豐富的節目。現開始向社區征集節目,包括:聲樂類、舞蹈類、語言類、綜藝類、體育類等。演出者:大、中、小學生,
微信公眾號:美國華人雜誌WeChinese (點擊下方圖片,識別二維碼關注)地址:7510 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, #108, San Diego, CA 92117