小编的话:我们中文上下几千年文化累积下来,有很多无法计数的文字游戏。英语的文字虽然没有中文那么古老,但也有一些非常有趣的文字游戏。没有一定语言功底和文化底蕴的同学也未必能看得懂呢~ 好,下面让我们一起请我们可爱的外教Kirk跟我们一起来解说一下吧~
Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?
改写:It is true that in almost every country today each household and family produces a large amount of waste every week.
2.Tennis players don't get married because love means nothing to them.
3.There are three people: Bob, Joe, and Jake. Bob and Joe are walking along the sidewalk when they see that Jake is running a joke stand. Bob says he has no money. Joe says "looks like the joke's on me."
(这里有两个文字游戏。第一个是:It’s on me – 我来付钱。第二个是The joke’s on me – 不幸降临到我头上。这句话可以这么理解:Bob和Joe在街上走着,看见Jake在卖艺讲笑话。Bob说他没有钱,Joe就说“看起来我来付笑话钱了/不幸降临到我头上了。”)
4.Did you hear about the man who plug his blender into his television? His channels are mixed up.
(某个东西 “is mixed up”可以指多个物品搅乱了顺序,也可以指多个物品很难区分。而blender就是厨房常用的搅拌器啦,搅拌器的作用就是把东西搅乱。句子的意思为:你听说了吗?有个人把搅拌器放进电视里了,结果他的频道都搅乱了/他的频道都很难区分开来。)
5.Tequila! Schnapps! Sambuka! I'm calling the shots.
Tequila是龙舌兰,Schnapps是杜松子酒,Sambuka杉布卡酒(好孩子根本听不懂你在说什么,捂脸)。Shot是一种量酒的单位,也可指用单一杯的烈酒,所以这句话字面意思是“龙舌兰、杜松子酒、杉布卡酒,我在喊烈酒的名字呢!”但是 I am calling the shots也用于说话者是领导身份,他在做决定。所以另一种解读是:“龙舌兰、杜松子酒、杉布卡酒,我在选呢!”
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