欧盟公投注册倒计时 #YourVoteMatters

2016年05月03日 英国驻华使馆


英国公民在海外也能参与欧盟公投,如果想参与投票就必须在5月16日之前,在http://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote 上注册。距离注册截止还有2周哦!

Know any people from the UK in China? It's time to remind them that it's only 2 weeks to go until the deadline to register to vote in the #EU Referendum!

Share this post with British friends and colleagues! They must register before the 16 May if they want to vote in the EU Referendum. Registration is simple and can be done in just a few minutes at http://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.

Everybody’s vote matters! 

#UKexpats #PassItOn #YourVoteMatters

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