美商会企业社会责任项目中国西南美国商会成立于1996年,是一个无党派、非盈利组织。在从成立至今的20余年中,美商会一直坚持致力于西南地区慈善事业,我们先后捐助过学校、敬老院、孤儿院,并同中国扶贫基金会、红十字会以及地震救助组织等合作过几十项慈善项目。中国西南美国商会将秉持坚守企业社会责任的信念,竭尽全力促进西南地区社会和谐稳定!“心的希望”之行 2016年3月8号,西南美商会的代表和“心的希望”慈善组织一行人拜访了成都心血管医院。“心的希望”是一家成都当地的慈善机构,主要为急需心脏手术的儿童筹集资金进行手术。2015年,西南美商会将美国独立日慈善晚会所得收入的60%用于该项目,其受益儿童可达7到8位。在这次拜访过程中,西南美商会代表专门看望了一位六岁的小患者。小朋友已经接受了手术治疗,正在处于康复期并且准备在当天下午办理出院手续。其家属都由衷地感到高兴,同时也表达了对西南美商会的感谢。另一位患者是一个只有两岁的小女孩,她的父亲带着她从老家西昌来成都求医看病。经过检查,医生告诉我们这个小孩需要接受两次心脏手术,这对于一个外地家庭是异常沉重的经济负担。幸运的是,西南美商会为其提供了20000人民币的慈善帮助。很难想象,若没有商会的慈善捐助,这个家庭将会遇到怎样的困难。为此,我们也受到了来自这个家庭衷心的感谢。西南美商会非常荣幸能够参与到这些高水平慈善机构在中国西南地区的慈善项目。今年同“心的希望”的合作是一个成功的开始,我们期待在今后西南美商会的企业社会责任项目中能够与该组织有着进一步更广泛的合作。感谢信AmCham CSREstablished in 1996, the American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China is a non-partisan, non-profit organization. Until now, AmCham has contributed to charities for over 20 years. We have sponsored schools, senior houses and orphanages, and we also has dozens of cooperation programs with the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, The Red Cross, and earthquake relief organizations. AmCham will always hold fast to the corporate social responsibility, going all out to help the harmonious development of Southwestern China.Hopeful Hearts VisitOn March 8, 2016, AmCham visited the Chengdu Cardiac Hospital with Hopeful Hearts, a local charity organization that raises funds to help needy children receive life-saving heart surgery. In 2015, AmCham donated 60 percent of the proceeds from the American Independence Day Charity Celebration to Hopeful Hearts. According to representatives from the organization, AmCham’s donation will finance a total of seven or eight surgeries.During the hospital visit, AmCham representatives visited one six-year-old boy who had already received his surgery and was preparing to leave the hospital that afternoon. His family was happy and very grateful.AmCham visited a second family who brought their two-year-old daughter to Chengdu from Xichang. The doctors discovered that the girl would need two surgeries instead of one, a huge financial burden on the family. Luckily, Hopeful Hearts will contribute 20,000 RMB of AmCham’s July 4th funds to the girl’s surgery. The family received this news gratefully, as they would be unable to pay for the two surgeries even with government assistance if Hopeful Hearts could not help them.In short, AmCham is proud to support this high-caliber charity and the critical work they do in Southwest China. We believe this year’s partnership with Hopeful Hearts has been a success, and we believe this organization would be worthy of consideration for future AmCham CSR projects.Thanks Letter