On April 15th, 2016, CLS-C received an official document from the Education Bureau allowing CLS-C to be a standardized education school in Guangzhou!
On April 13th, our school was assessed as a standardized education school in Guangzhou by the superintendent expert group. Experts listened to the self-evaluation report, visited our school grounds, observed 6 classes and reviewed our school resources. Additionally, we received consistent high praise from the experts.
得到专家组的肯定我们将更加坚定信心,秉承“融汇中西文化 培育现代公民”的办学理念;把学校办成“学园 乐园 家园”。
CLS-C will continue to work on our educational philosophy, that is to integrate Chinese and Western cultures and to cultivate modern citizens, making CLS-C an attractive and warm school.