西南美商会急救和心肺复苏技能培训回顾|First Aid and CPR Training Review

2016年09月14日 西南美国商会

    2016年9月9日,在世界急救日来临之际,中国西南美商会特邀会员企业环球医生成都国际医疗中心常驻家庭医生Jason Logan先生在恒大广场售楼部为西南美商会的会员朋友们举办了急救和心肺复苏技能培训
September 9, 2016 – On World First Aid Day, the American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China, together with AmCham members Global Doctor Chengdu and Sales Department, Evergrande, organized a First-Aid and CPR Skill Training workshop
    急救的重要性是不言而喻的,正确有效的急救措施能够帮助受伤者化险为夷,挽救性命,而不当的急救措施将对受伤者造成进一步伤害而不是帮助。讲座中,Jason Logan先生首先对突入袭来的意外伤害,如窒息、骨折、烫伤等急救应对措施进行细致的讲解和示范;讲座后半段Jason Logan先生手把手地教大家如何进行心肺复苏,之后会员朋友们进行积极练习,互相讨论。
First Aid proficiency is of great importance—effective and correct emergency treatment can save lives. However, when first-aid measures are done improperly there is a risk that more harm than good will be done to those receiving help. In the seminar, Dr. Jason Logan—a Certified Doctor in Family Medicine—taught attendees how to properly deal with unexpected health issues such as chocking, fracturing, and burns. During the second half of the presentation, Dr. Jason Logan instructed attendees how to practice on-site CPR and guided them to practice on an artificial human body.
     培训最后,Jason Logan先生就参会嘉宾提出的问题进行了积极互动和深入沟通,得到了到场嘉宾的广泛认同和积极反馈,到场嘉宾纷纷表示此次培训非常实用。

Participants were fully engaged in the workshop and were grateful for Dr. Jason Logan’s intensive explanations and professional expertise. This useful training received strong positive feedback from attendees. We’d like to thank Dr. Jason Logan and those who organized and participated in this community event.

Special thanks to the venue support-"Sales Department, Evergrande"
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