【2016.09.10 A/G考试实况】A类写作考题:Task 1: Pie chart, percentages of male and female workers in 3 sectors in 2 nations. Task 2:Some people think studying from the past offers no benefits to today’s life, while others believe that history is a valuable source of information for us. Discuss both views and give you own opinion. 今天的大作文话题比较抽象,可能会给烤鸭们造成一定的困难。不过咱们老祖宗古话说得好,以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以古为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失~祝各位烤鸭突破重重难关勇夺7分高地!具体回忆详见无忧小雅哥朋友圈(微信号:mr_51ielts)G类写作考题:Task 1:写信给property manager协商关于damaged furniture 的处理事宜 Task 2: Some people think that people over 65 should be allowed to work, while others believe that those senior people should not be allowed to do so. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 口语考题:【RMIT】Part1: study or work, sports, garden, transport, newspaper Part 2: how to start a small business 【RMIT】Part 1: houses, schooling, group work, leisure activities Part 2: a tall building you like or dislike 口语话题回忆私信无忧小雅哥及悉尼雅思姐,拉你入【墨尔本雅思学习小分队】,掌握第一手考试资料 今天A/G考试作文考察常规,口语新题继续涌现~总体来说难度中等,大小作文都是常规考题,希望烤鸭们都好好发挥,一举拿下雅思考试!【墨尔本无忧雅思近期课程信息】7分写作口语白班:周一~周五,10:30-16:30 ,9月12日开课,共两周。 7分写作口语晚班:周一至周五,6pm-9pm,9月19日开课,共三周。 雅思6-6.5分课程:晚班循环开课,每周入学。 雅思5分课程每周循环开课,分层分班教学,适合不同英语程度的学生。PTE课程同时火热进行中!周末班:周六+周日,10am-3pm,共四周32小时; 平时班:周一-周四,10am-3pm,共两周32小时。 墨尔本的课程请直接与“无忧小雅哥”(mr_51ielst) 联系哟~