#抗击癌症# - 介绍。癌症有可能已经从某种程度上影响到你的生活。它是每个国家都面对的健康问题。美国国家癌症研究所全球卫生中心主任Ted Trimble博士在#说出我的故事#里分享他关于癌症的观点。你知道美国和中国在癌症研究上有超过35年的合作吗?观看视频,请点击链接,了解更多关于我们的合作的详情:http://pdq.cicams.ac.cn。请点击此处阅读Trimble博士的微博问答:http://t.cn/RqjqdJx
#JointheFightAgainstCancer – Introduction
Chances are that cancer has impacted your life in some way. It is a health issue that every country faces. This month we will be looking at how the United States is helping to reduce its cancer rates through education and public awareness. Dr. Ted Trimble, director of the National Cancer Institute's Center for Global Health, shares his thoughts on cancer in this installment of #shuochuwodegushi. Did you know that the U.S. and China have collaborated for more than 35 years on cancer research? How else can the U.S. and China join forces in the fight against cancer? After you check out the video, read more about our cooperation here: http://pdq.cicams.ac.cn. You can also check out Dr. Trimble's Weibo Q&A here: http://t.cn/RqjqdJx.