1. 早期中国留美学生在MIT的留学史Early History of Chinese students at MIT
地点: 一楼图书馆 (请于公务访客入口进入)
Location: first floor, Library (VIP Entrance)
Time: May 9, 2017, 14:30-16:00
Today MIT has extensive ties to China, but fewpeople know how old those ties really are. The first Chinese student at MITarrived on campus in 1877, and roughly 400 students from China matriculated atthe Institute over the next half-century. Among other accomplishments, Chinesegraduates of MIT helped pioneer early aircraft at Boeing and advanced researchin areas including microwave spectroscopy and nonlinear control theory. Chinesestudents at MIT also starred in collegiate sports, from wrestling to tennis,track, and soccer. Please join us in a discussion with a MIT Professor on thehistory of Chinese students at MIT.
Readmore: https://www.douban.com/event/28589721/
2. 与美国麻省理工创新中心专家面对面Conversation with the Director of MIT Hong Kong Innovation
地点:二楼会议室 (请于公务访客入口进入)
Location: 2nd floor, meeting room (VIP entrance)
Time: May 9, 2017, 15:30-16:30
The MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node convenes MITstudents, faculty, and researchers to work on various entrepreneurial andresearch projects alongside Hong Kong-based students and faculty, MIT alumni,entrepreneurs, and businesses. By combining resources and talent, theInnovation Node aims to help students learn how to move ideas more rapidly fromlab to market. Come hear directly from the Director of the Innovation Nodeabout their current projects and future interests.
Readmore: https://www.douban.com/event/28590676/
May. 11 Thursday
亚太裔美国人传统月——美籍华裔大厨Martin Yan厨艺展示
地点:讲座厅一楼LincolnHall 时间:5月11日周四 19:00-21:00
1st floor Lincoln Hall, May 11, Thursday,19:00-21:00
Asian Pacific American Heritage MonthCelebration with Chef Martin Yan!
Food and Fun with Renowned Celebrity Chef MartinYan!: Join celebrity chef and popular television host Martin Yan for an eveningof food and fun in celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage! Chef Yanwill wow you with a live demonstration of some of his signature Asian Americaninspired dishes in addition to talking about his life and career as a ChineseAmerican. Light finger foods and refreshments will be served. Remember, if "YanCan Cook, So Can You!" The event is sponsored by the Asian PacificAmerican Network (APAN) and hosted by the U.S. First 200 people will beadmitted.
Readmore: https://www.douban.com/event/28614102/