
2017年05月17日 7PLUS英语




比如在 Official Guide 中有一道 Fill in the blanks 的听力题,transcription如下:


- I'm glad you could make the time.这句话不是“制作”时间的意思,而是高兴你能挤出时间来和我讨论你的课程。

类似的例句:I will make the most of my spare time to polish my English and public speech-making skills. 我要利用我所有的闲暇时间来加强我的英语和演讲水平。

- Everyone enrolled in the course is getting as much out of it as they can,这句话中 get as much out of it 不能看字面逐字翻译,而应引申为得到尽可能多的知识。

例句:The IMF wants to get as much business as it can, having been out of the game for a while. 在一段时间的冷落之后,IMF希望尽可能多的得到更多的业务。

- I must admit I'm at the point where I don't know where I don't really know where to start to get on top of this. 这里的 to get on top of this 应理解为不知从何下手或者从何开始。

on top of this 这个词组还有除此之外的意思:On top of this comes new concern about the long-term effects of mobile phone use on the mental health of youngsters. 除此以外还有另一个担忧:手机的使用对于年轻人的大脑健康的长期影响。

另外,类似的短语 off the top of one’s head 还有未经思考就脱口而出某些话的意思,比如:Off the top of my head, I can’t tell you how many people hit up Facebook daily, but a high number of people visit the site on their phones every day. 我没法随随便便告诉你每天有多少人上脸书,但每天通过手机访问这个网站的人数很多。

另外,PTE中还会涉及一些assume大家应该知道的常识也需要适当积累。比如短文中还有个别的words, “drop off”是下降,“fortnight”是两周即“two weeks”等。





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