
2017年05月26日 无忧小雅哥

2017.05.20 Academic Task 2

Some people think a job not only provides income but also social life. Others think it is better to develop social life with people you do not work with. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 

【这道题可谓是雅思写作中的老题啦!大家记得问题的类型是Discuss both views, 所以一定要分段讨论这题干中的两个观点,然后再给出自己的观点。如果只讨论一边,那么TR分数就会被扣的非常惨烈,因为没有Fully address the topic!】

There are two views with respect to social life – one, that a job provides people with an opportunity to build a social life, and two, that it is better to build a social life with people who are not your co-workers. In my opinion, the first view is more practical for and beneficial to both employees and the company that they work for.

Employment provides a platform for all employees to work together and build relationships, which would be beneficial to both the workers and the workplace. Cordial relationships and good rapports can build a supportive work environment and result in greater team spirit and effectiveness whilst generating collective ideas. For example, an employee who shares close bonds with his colleagues would also share respect and understanding amongst them, which would further enhance intra-organisational integration and collaboration while participating in group projects.

However, it may be better to develop social relationships outside of work to allow people with room for some distraction and relaxation after work. Building friendships with people who do not work alongside you would allow you to have a more exclusive and recreational social life, which would further cultivate professional and personal life balanceFor instance, if friends do not work together, they can spend time partaking in just social conversations and personal events rather thanindulging in work related exchanges. 

In conclusion, even though some people believe in maintaining a social life with individuals outside of their job, I agree with the view that a job can be a great front to build strong social relationships resulting in greater co-operation amongst colleagues, which would allow employees and the company to reap tremendous benefits. 

Vocabulary list

With respect to: 关于,至于

Practical: adj. 实际的,实用性的

Cordial: 热忱的,友好的

Rapport: n. 密切关系,和睦

Intra-organisational: 组织内部;’intra’表示内部,在内

Integration: n.集成,综合

Partake: V.分担,分享,参与

Indulge: V. 满足,纵容,沉溺于

Reap: V. 收获,取得 (成果)

Tremendous: adj. 巨大的,极好的

这篇范文的难度其实并不高,用的也不是什么高难度的词汇,注意重点的是用词的准确性!大家可以把学习的重点放在Task Response和Coherence and Cohesion上哦~ 这两个也是评分重点哦!雅思写作其实并没有大家想象的那么难,只要熟知四大评分项,知道考官的评分得分点在哪,得到自己想要的分数也并没有那么困难哦!







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