但是在很多城市,也会有固定时间,政府提供免费上门回收大型垃圾的服务。Overland Park市在十月份就会分地区分批回收居民大型垃圾。今年回收区域是Antioch街以东区域(2016年回收的是Antioch街以西)。今年回收垃圾的具体日期和地块划分是:
Oct 7 - North city limit to 83rd St.
Oct 21 - 83rd St. to 99th St.
Oct 28 - 99th St. to 143rd St.
White goods such as appliances like refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and clothes dryers. Only one refrigerator per household will be accepted.
Push lawnmowers, which must be empty of any fuel or oil
Carpeting, up to 4 foot rolls that are securely tied, less than 50 pounds in weight. Two rolls count as one item.
Hazardous waste including flammable, explosive/reactive, corrosive/caustic, toxic/poisonous, radioactive or biologically active.
Automotive battery, engine oil or fuel tank
Compressed gas cylinders
Glass panels where any dimension exceeds four feet
Wood fencing and decking materials
Yard waste
Latex or oil-based paint
Fertilizer, pesticide, solvent
Liquid waste
Solid waste and recycling material that are collected as part of regular curbside service
Any waste or material that is prohibited from being received, managed or disposed of at a landfill
Wood fencing
Concrete building material, rocks and soil
Construction or demolition materials including drywall, lumber and roofing material
Rigid items exceeding four foot in length
可在规定时间带至Dennis Garrett Public Works facility, 11300 W. 91st St. 处理、丢弃。